CCleaner stopped cleaning- Windows 10 and CC update

After I returned from Holiday there was an update for CCleaner to v 5.43.6522 and at the same time a Windows 10 update (~ 25/5/18) since that time my CCleaner does not clean anymore. It stops working. It analyses but when I press Run cleaner it disappears without cleaning. Windows has now instead of recent activity a Task view thing. CCleaner does not clean the history of this and also not the recent files. I can erase these things in Windows but would like CCleaner to do it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

This is a known bug in the current version, it is my understanding that the devs are trying to fix this.

Does this just happen to windows 10 computers or does it effect all computers?

I have the same problem and it is quite irritating. You'd think they would fix this quickly and issue an update!!

Greetings, Professor Falken! I have used and loved the original Crap-Cleaner from the days of Windows 95/98, and would recommend it for Everyone's computer.

However, from the program, not running at startup issue, I have a Fix...

Go to the options setting in the Registry Cleaner and uncheck "Run at Startup" and also in the Exceptions Folder, add the CCleaner folder. Also add CCleaner Folder to your Anti-Virus Exceptions as well. Restart, and Boom, CCleaner now runs upon boot. Problem Solved B]\... (peace pipe)