I think you misunderstand me.
I fully accept that you may have found the problem.
I was thinking of asking you to share,
but fortunately I reviewed and found that you added the information as per :-
This post has been edited by Willy2: Yesterday, 01:51 PM
I posted my question at 3:33 p.m. without consideration of that information,
and possible more than 2 hours earlier than your edit because this may be one of the forums where posts are given time stamps based upon the local time hence 1:51 pm in USA may correspond to 5:51 pm in U.K. ! !
So - not arguing - just seeking clarification upon whether Portable.dat is perfect as suggested by your first post,
or whether it has limitations as indicted by your second post.
I have now copied ccsetup230.zip to C:\Program Files\CCleaner on XP Home Edition with SP3
I disabled all protection, with Internet blocked, and launched regshot.
I took a snapshot of the system, unzipped the ZIP, took a second snapshot, compared, and got :-
Regshot 1.8.1
Datetime:2010/4/15 20:05:31 , 2010/4/15 20:06:29
Computer:ACER-311VPBCEH0 , ACER-311VPBCEH0
Username:Alan , Alan
Values modified:4
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: 0F 56 0D F8 A9 D3 F0 80 64 6C 91 36 BD 99 9F F9 68 FF C5 54 5C 14 E5 D0 B4 61 12 60 25 C6 F3 53 C5 D8 42 64 44 79 27 D1 1E 65 70 78 39 EF 51 4A 9F 2A 3D FC 31 9C 5C 92 A1 91 08 11 DC 76 F3 4D 10 8E 78 BE 96 0F D0 BD FE 16 88 01 7B 86 4D 2A
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: CB 0E 5E 26 C0 B9 0C 1A 34 80 13 35 D7 0C 39 D7 27 AB 7D BA A9 CE D2 38 57 2F 81 45 FC 32 4C 5C BA 54 52 55 4E 51 81 F3 66 F4 97 26 78 E6 2A 12 87 47 91 F1 B6 67 0C 93 3B F6 32 F5 5E A9 89 66 48 87 34 4E 7D F8 63 AB 44 E1 07 92 26 81 33 B0
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\51: 0x00000027
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\51: 0x00000028
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\73: 0x00000023
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\73: 0x00000024
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\438: 0x00000122
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2390561323-618324915-1863506564-1008\Software\PowerArchiver\Stats\438: 0x0000014D
Files added:45
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\lang\lang-1025.dll
This is me again ! ! ! - don't want to waste space with the remaining 43 files ! ! !
And then :-
Files [attributes?] modified:5
C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\ntuser.dat.LOG
C:\Program Files\DigiGuide TV Guide\user-settings\logs\2010-04-15-v1-dg.log
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{F6EA6CAA-B744-447E-8F9E-B9A9507C7CB4}\RP1107\change.log
Folders added:1
C:\Program Files\CCleaner\lang
Total changes:55
End of comparison
Note, the last entry in
C:\System Volume Information\_restore{F6EA6CAA-B744-447E-8F9E-B9A9507C7CB4}\RP1107\change.log
This refers to
\ P r o g r a m F i l e s \ T o o l s \ R e g S h o t \ l a n g u a g e . i n i " A 0 2 8 2 4 9 4 . i n i
That entry is NOT due to CCleaner - it is my fault, I should NOT have installed regshot on C:\Program Files.
For some reason Regshot "refreshed" its language.ini, and the evil presence thought I might need to restore its previous content ! ! !
Other file changes show that my TV Guide told me it was time to switch on the T.V. for a favourite program.
And of course the evil presence wastes a bit more time doing a prefetch for the unzip utility so the Unzip will start slightly, very slightly, faster if I ever need it again this month ! !
CONCLUSION - In answer to my original question :-
The Portable version does not alter the registry when it is unzipped.
the only effects on the registry were the evil presence of Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed watching everything,
and PowerArchiver doing something which has caused me to decide it will be removed next week and replace with a PortableApps 7ZIP utility.
Tomorrow I will get a portable version of Regshot running in another partition,
and observe Registry etc. consequences of Analysing and then of Cleaning.