Just been looking through my startup programs list using CCleaner and I noticed a blank entry, anyone know what its about? I checked in msconfig and its there aswell. Is it safe to remove?
Just been looking through my startup programs list using CCleaner and I noticed a blank entry, anyone know what its about? I checked in msconfig and its there aswell. Is it safe to remove?
I had one like that once. Totally safe to delete.
You can also remove the ATIPTA and gcasServ.
It's rare, but it does happen that you blank entries. I have had 3 of them before, just delete them.
Thanks, I'll remove it now.
gcasServ is part of the Giant Antispyware that monitors my PC.
Yeah, it's for the tray icon that actively monitors the computer. Not really needed if you use Firefox and SpywareBlaster.
Yeah, it's for the tray icon that actively monitors the computer. Not really needed if you use Firefox and SpywareBlaster.
Should firefox users even use ms antispy? I dont know about the rest of the people here but MSAS hasent ever found anything on my pc. I know it is a good program but if you use ad aware, spybot, and in my case spyware doctor (I dont care what anyone says it is a great program), than MSAS probably wont find anything. Just a thought.
Plus since switching to firefox all I get is tracking cookies anyway.
SpywareBlaster stops tracking cookies.
Even I use MSAS (but not in my tray running all the time).
I've been using Giant Antispyware since before Microsoft bought them.
I don't use SpywareBlaster, I use Giant, Ad-Aware, Spybot & NoAdware3.
But I only use Giant to monitor ib the tray.
SpywareBlaster stops tracking cookies.
Even I use MSAS (but not in my tray running all the time).
I use spyware blaster but I still get one or two. Not like the times two years ago when I would find 50 or more. The First time I used ad aware it found about 750 infections! Now a couple years later and a much nicer pc I have decided to go the anti malware route (its cheaper in the long run ).
I've been using Giant Antispyware since before Microsoft bought them.
I don't use SpywareBlaster, I use Giant, Ad-Aware, Spybot & NoAdware3.
But I only use Giant to monitor ib the tray.
You should use SpywareBlaster (It doesn't even have to run with your pc, just apply and done), Ad-Aware, and Spybot. Trust me.
This is my first time here and I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with.
I was having problems with Microsoft Anti spyware Beta 1 using 75% of my CPU so I decided to uninstall and was unsuccessful, receiving
the following message:
Error 1905. module C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Antispyware\GCollection.dll failed to unregister.
HRESULT -2147220472. Contact your support personnel.
My question is; Will CCleaner remove all the files that are left?
No, CCleaner won't clean it up, but this will unregister the file for you:
Start, Run,
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Antispyware\GCCollection.dll"
(including the quotation marks)
No, CCleaner won't clean it up, but this will unregister the file for you:
Start, Run,
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Antispyware\GCCollection.dll"
(including the quotation marks)
Thanks appreciate your help, however it did not clear.
Loadlibrary("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Antispyware\GCCollection.dll") failed - The specified module could not be found.
Sorry to trouble you but I am not that experienced to solve this problem.
That means it was already deleted - I had a sneaking suspicion that's what -2147220472 meant.
Is it time to say goodbye to the entire folder? Then do this:
Start, Run...
cmd /c rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Antispyware"
Then use CCleaner's issues tab which will safely clean many of its leftover registry entries. An alternate idea is to reinstall the program and then uninstall it again.
That means it was already deleted - I had a sneaking suspicion that's what -2147220472 meant.
Is it time to say goodbye to the entire folder? Then do this:
Start, Run...
cmd /c rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Antispyware"
Then use CCleaner's issues tab which will safely clean many of its leftover registry entries. An alternate idea is to reinstall the program and then uninstall it again.
Thanks that seemed to work and I am grateful for your help