CCleaner skips all Chrome sections

Using Windows 11 operating system, have latest version of CCLeaner, when I run it, it indicates that it has "skipped" all Chrome browser files.


Windows 11?

usual reason Chrome is skipped is because it is still running; either directly if you have it still open or indirectly as one of its background tasks may still be running.

check Task Manager that no chrome.exe processes are running.

Sorry typo, windows 10.. in past whenever Chrome or firefox or edge were not closed i would get a pop up to close.. and then close them. Here i was not getting the pop up, but also checked task manager, and it (Chrome) was not running.

in chrome, make sure in Settings, Advanced, that Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed is turned off.

Wow, thank you so much... easy fix that worked!!!! greatly appreciated

no worries.

I have unchecked the "Continue running background..." in Google Chrome and CCleaner still will not remove cookies. I suspect someone ran "Intelligent scan" on the cookies. How do I undo this so CCleaner will delete them?