The same installer you state I think is Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ("NSIS") which recently allot of virus scanners started giving false positives against. Then again it's like the old problem when some virus scanners detect all UPX compressed files as viruses even though they're clean.
The same installer you state I think is Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ("NSIS") which recently allot of virus scanners started giving false positives against. Then again it's like the old problem when some virus scanners detect all UPX compressed files as viruses even though they're clean.
Yes apparently some virus writes wrote viruses what used NSIS component's or source code. As result pretty much every AV in the market started to detect literally tens of thousands NSIS installers as viruses. The biggest AV companys are aware of the problem and doesn't cause much NSIS false positeves anymore, but the smaller AV companys (mainly free AVs) are still producing "tons" of NSIS false positives.
As personal opinion I would ditch any AV what still is producing these false positives.