Just installed and ran CCleaner yesterday. Cleaned everything including registry entries. When I rebooted my At&t anti-virus would not run.
I restored the registry files and things were back to normal.
Today I started deleting the registery items by group, i.e. Active X, Installer Reference, Uninstaller Reference, etc., rebooting after each deletion, until I found the registry key that prevented At&T anti-virus from running.
Just installed and ran CCleaner yesterday. Cleaned everything including registry entries. When I rebooted my At&t anti-virus would not run.
I restored the registry files and things were back to normal.
Today I started deleting the registery items by group, i.e. Active X, Installer Reference, Uninstaller Reference, etc., rebooting after each deletion, until I found the registry key that prevented At&T anti-virus from running.
I assumed that was reference to Norton Anti-virus I had previously, but it shuts down my AT&T anti-virus.
Just thought I would post this for information and a possible fix on the next update.
Best regards,
Hi Maverick,
I have been a member of this forum for about 6 months.
Your situation is only the 2nd time I have heard this as regards AT&T anti-virus.
You may just have to uncheck Obsolete software in the Registry function.
Does AT&T show up in the Applications tab in the Cleaner function?
AT&T anti-virus may also be doing some non-standard things like some other anti-virus programs to prevent malware from interfering with it's operation.
I have been a member of this forum for about 6 months.
Your situation is only the 2nd time I have heard this as regards AT&T anti-virus.
You may just have to uncheck Obsolete software in the Registry function.
Does AT&T show up in the Applications tab in the Cleaner function?
AT&T anti-virus may also be doing some non-standard things like some other anti-virus programs to prevent malware from interfering with it's operation.
Good luck,
Thanks davey. You may be right about unchecking Obsolete softeware in the Registry; however, that is my prime reason for using CCleaner.
I think I may have to exclude that key if I can do it and figure out how. May get some time this weekend to go over things in more detail. AT&T does not show up in the Applicatons tab in the Cleaner function.
If CCleaner's built in exclude portion doesn't allow that key to be excluded, you can make it work by looking at this thread and adapting it to your needs.
Just installed and ran CCleaner yesterday. Cleaned everything including registry entries. When I rebooted my At&t anti-virus would not run.
I restored the registry files and things were back to normal.
Today I started deleting the registery items by group, i.e. Active X, Installer Reference, Uninstaller Reference, etc., rebooting after each deletion, until I found the registry key that prevented At&T anti-virus from running.
I assumed that was reference to Norton Anti-virus I had previously, but it shuts down my AT&T anti-virus.
Just thought I would post this for information and a possible fix on the next update.
Best regards,
Could be because the program is trying to install a virus on your system and requires you AV to be shut down and registry keys changed? See my thread Trojan-Downloader.32.Zlob.apw above.
Could be because the program is trying to install a virus on your system and requires you AV to be shut down and registry keys changed? See my thread Trojan-Downloader.32.Zlob.apw above.
It's already been stated in your thread that it's a false positive detection. CCleaner does not include or install any malware.
Thanks davey. You may be right about unchecking Obsolete softeware in the Registry; however, that is my prime reason for using CCleaner.
I think I may have to exclude that key if I can do it and figure out how. May get some time this weekend to go over things in more detail. AT&T does not show up in the Applicatons tab in the Cleaner function.
Best regards,
I should have been a little more specific."You may just have to uncheck Obsolete software in the Registry function (until you find out what is going on.)"At least this way we can find out if the Registry cleaning is actually deleting that key.
I can understand AT&T not wanting to be found too easily by malware.This would also explain why it does not show up in the Applications tab.
However,it could possibly be malware deleting that key.Malware has also been known to prevent CCleaner from either installing or executing.
Run ERUNT and also a manual System Restore point.Better safe than sorry.
Run some complete scans.
Also anti-root kit programs.
Andavari has a great way to Exclude that key if the Exclude feature doesn't work.
Normally the Include/Exclude feature will not work unless the Advanced option Custom files and folders is also checked on the Windows tab.Some people forget to do this.
Well thanks everybody. I have that dude in the exclude bin now, along with another one that mentioned something about antivirus. I am gun shy now and will put anything relating to antivirus there if I don't know exactly what it is.