Hi All,
I'm new to Piriform and CCleaner. I'm very excited about finding this product.
I have downloaded and installed CCleaner (latest trial version downloaded from Piriform) onto my Wife's laptop. I'm am not running Winapp2.ini.
I ran an initial scan which completed in minutes- very happy about that. One folder in particular was not found or cleaned. The same one I have been unsuccessfully trying to clean manually for a few days prior to CClean. The file is:
C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
This folder contains 26 gigs of temp files (1,655,026- total files). I have added this file to the custom files and folders scan list. I began the scan (analyze) @ 10a.m. central time yesterday (10/2/13)- The scan is still running today 25 hours later. The progress bar has been @ 41% the entire time but I can see each file being discovered one at a time.
Is there a setting I missed in options to make this run faster?
Should this type of time be expected with a folder this large?
Do I stop the scan where it is, or continue to forge on?
Any thoughts, suggestions, or education would be greatly appreciated........
Some specs:
Acer Aspire V5
Win 8
4G Ram
Core i3 2365m
intel HD3000 graphics
How did you try to clean this file manually?
Were you not able to do it because you couldn't find it? Did you get an error message?
Did you try this method?
another explanation here
And try: Control Panel>Internet Options>General Tab>Browsing history>Delete hot button.
On the Delete Browsing History page, check mark or uncheck what you want the delete action to do or not do and then click on Delete. As suggestion:
Uncheck "Preserve Favorites website data"
Check "Temporary Internet files and website files"
Check "Cookies and website data"
Check "History"
The last three items are at your choice.
Repeat/Do this for every user account on the laptop. In other words sign on under each user account and perform the above.
Thank you for your reply Hazelnut!!
Windows disk cleanup will not recognize (or include) this folder in it's search. I assume this is because it's typically a hidden folder.
My attempt to manually remove the files was done by:
opening the parent folder (Content.ie5),
waiting for the computer to discover all of the files
Select all files then delete selected items..........This resulted in explorer not responding....... then a hard lock
I then tried to delete in batches of files with the same results. I continued with smaller and smaller batches until I found the trying to delete just one file would result in the same outcome.
With some research, I found that these massive IE5 temp folders are related to IE10. I disabled IE10 hoping that would help (files not in use?).....it did not help.
And try: Control Panel>Internet Options>General Tab>Browsing history>Delete hot button.
On the Delete Browsing History page, check mark or uncheck what you want the delete action to do or not do and then click on Delete. As suggestion:
Uncheck "Preserve Favorites website data"
Check "Temporary Internet files and website files"
Check "Cookies and website data"
Check "History"
The last three items are at your choice.
Repeat/Do this for every user account on the laptop. In other words sign on under each user account and perform the above.
Thank you also siliconman01.... I appreciate the help very much
I have been successful deleting all of the temp internet files from her user account (her's is the only account)- this was just prior to attempting to remove this folders contents.
The folder in question is a secondary temp internet files folder that is in the Windows/system32 directory. I believe the same is true for the Windows sysWOW directory, but I can't confirm that at the time.
Have you tried booting into safe mode and deleting manually?
Or make another admin account (you can delete it afterwards) and boot into it and try and delete them.
Have you tried booting into safe mode and deleting manually?
Or make another admin account (you can delete it afterwards) and boot into it and try and delete them.
Thank you again Hazelnut....... ![:)]()
I have tried deleting from safe mode with the same results, but I haven't tried from another admin account. I will try that now and report back.
Thank you again so much
That's Internet Explorer's disk cache. And it's set too big in size. Try setting it to 50-150MB or so. Having a cache that big can only lead to issues/slowdowns.
Control Panel -> Internet options -> General tab -> settings
I find this "Take Ownership" context switch quite helpful in cases such as what you are experiencing.
IE10 settings such as in the attached picture will prevent such buildups of junk files for IE10
Due to the amount of Temporary Internet Files mentioned in post #1 it doesn't surprise me at all that it's taking literally forever and that CCleaner seems frozen/stalled since even cleaning that amount with Internet Explorer's own built-in cleaners would seem to be doing nothing as well. Also it isn't "one file" it's a special folder that contains Internet related files.
If it were me - I'd boot with a Bart PE boot CD and nuke that folder from it since it's completely outside of Windows and therefore you won't have to deal with any locked files, etc., although it will still take a good chunk of time to delete the contents.
Once that folder is cleaned out one Internet Explorer setting needs changed so that it never gets so far out of hand again, and that is to limit the amount that can be stored in Temporary Internet Files (as already mentioned in post #8):