I found this review of CCleaner on a UK website. Very good I think.
I found this review of CCleaner on a UK website. Very good I think.
This screendump is of my personal settings, but you can read up on what each setting does at the CCleaner Beginner's Guide.
I strongly recommend that you read said guide before messing with the default settings. They're fine for novice users, but if you're interested, a little reading will get you messing with the tickboxes in no time at all. What's more, you'll have the settings personlised to you, and won't go cleaning out any preferred system settings or any cookies you may want to keep (more on that later).
Woohoo, my guide made it in...
It's a good write up, well spotted Woody, and well written TM!!
Yes...good review and nice write up.
Oh wow! Fame!
Ta very much for the post.
FYI: I just added the CCleaner logo as a favicon on the Beginner's Guide.