I love the shutdown when done option following ccleaner running.
I would like to see the option of a restart after running ccleaner.
I love the shutdown when done option following ccleaner running.
I would like to see the option of a restart after running ccleaner.
Most of what CCleaner does now won't require a restart such as cleaning the Internet Explorer index.dat files, etc., so if your reason for wanting it to restart Windows to "clean some extra stuff" well it isn't needed anymore.
However there is a way to use Windows own "shutdown" command and CCleaner in a batch file to force a restart.
Working Windows XP example (don't know how this would work on Windows Vista/7 however):
"%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO shutdown -r -t 10 -c "Restart after CCleaner"
You can learn how to fully use "shutdown" via a command prompt and by typing in:
shutdown /?
You can learn how to fully use "shutdown" via a command prompt and by typing in:
shutdown /?
I have found u can also display it by the following:
- Winkey/R/CMD + Enter
- Shutdown + Enter
Easy combo. No need for /? on my machine, it seems.
So what!!! I've already given the original poster the solution to what he wanted.