CCleaner resetting my RSS Feeds

Hey all having an issue with ccleaner on Windows 8 I have been dealing with it but would like to know if there is a way to have ccleaner leave my RSS Feeds intact where I don't have to go back into IE10 and re subscribe from my favorites bar after each cleaning session. is there a workaround for that I have tried telling ccleaner to ignore cookies from that site but still clears it.

there isn't anything in the default cleaning rules that should effect your common feeds list (Where IE RSS is stored) are you using winapp2.ini or any sort of enhancing program?

Unable to recreate with CCleaner + Winapp2.ini, Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 - IE10

there isn't anything in the default cleaning rules that should effect your common feeds list (Where IE RSS is stored) are you using winapp2.ini or any sort of enhancing program?

nope just plain ole ccleaner with the default boxes checked. but I decided to take the time and apparently luckily it was on my first attempt I found what it is that is doing I when I have it temp items checked it resets my rss feeds in my bar where I have to click re-subscribe. to keep it it appears that it is purging the feeds cache folder under C:\users\Chris\Appdata\local\microsoft\feeds and C:\users\Chris\Appdata\local\microsoft\feeds cache (the cache Is a hidden system protected folder once I excluded them it stopped messing up I think there should be a check box for the rss feeds

I'm not understanding the setting you are saying it is?

please type the Name as listed in ccleaner including the heading (internet, applications, windows etc)

I'm not understanding the setting you are saying it is?

please type the Name as listed in ccleaner including the heading (internet, applications, windows etc)

It's the Internet explorer temporary Internet files

It apparently tries and clear the RSS feeds for ie.

I will try to recreate this on my windows 8 box when I get a chance.