CCleaner removed my IE7 Uninstall entry, therefore making me unable to remove IE7, causing catastrophic problems. I used System Restore which got my system back to normal, but want to warn members and the makers of CCleaner. Please come up with a new version that does not delete uninstall entries, or advise how to make CCleaner not delete uninstall entries.
CCleaner removed my IE7 Uninstall entry, therefore making me unable to remove IE7, causing catastrophic problems. I used System Restore which got my system back to normal, but want to warn members and the makers of CCleaner. Please come up with a new version that does not delete uninstall entries, or advise how to make CCleaner not delete uninstall entries.
Which version are you using?
The latest version, 1.28.277, should no longer have this issue.
Yep this should be fixed in the latest release. Also we had a warning posted about this exact issue.
PM AndyManchesta. He uploaded the IE7 uninstaller folder somewhere.
Thanks for that info! I think I was using 1.27, so it was probably my fault for not reading up on it. Is it safe to check every box now?
Thanks for that info! I think I was using 1.27, so it was probably my fault for not reading up on it. Is it safe to check every box now?
As far as I know, there have been no complaints about the new version. You may want to do a System Restore check point or a registry backup first just in case.
Yep this should be fixed in the latest release. Also we had a warning posted about this exact issue.
No rridgely. The ie7 unistaller IS a hotfix uninstaller. Therefore, CCleaner will remove it. MrG fixed the $hf_mig$ folder being removed.
Do not use the hotfix uninstaller option if you're using IE7.
As far as I know, there have been no complaints about the new version. You may want to do a System Restore check point or a registry backup first just in case.
Yep. Back it up. Because you'll be in for a can of worms if you don't.
Here's a replacement IE7 folder if anyone needs it (Approx 8MB)
Instructions to remove IE7 using the uninstall command and a list of files Ccleaner removes is here:
Here's a replacement IE7 folder if anyone needs it (Approx 8MB)
Instructions to remove IE7 using the uninstall command and a list of files Ccleaner removes is here:
Thanks Andy. That should help a lot of people!
Thanks Andy. That should help a lot of people!
haha...yeah, like you!
Thanks Andy. That should help a lot of people!
Andy sorted out mine, he is doing a good job on this forum, keep up the good work Andy, you are doing a good job to help people like me,
Hi Joiner (Brian) ,
I only checked the IE7 problem after reading your email so Im glad its easy to repair by just replacing the folder and will leave the link on until its fixed incase its needed again.
All The Best
haha...yeah, like you!
TantrumBoy makes an unexpected and unwelcome return appearance!
I just thought that accidently deleting my XP partition, reformatting my hard drive, reinstalling XP, and downloading over 50 updates including SP2 on dialup over two sleepless days and nights would be just as easy as using Andy's application !
I guess there's just the tiniest possibility I was wrong...
Here's a replacement IE7 folder if anyone needs it (Approx 8MB)
Instructions to remove IE7 using the uninstall command and a list of files Ccleaner removes is here:
thnx do0d, saved me from a restore!
some1 should sticky this
nice site Andy! i want the source code! how did you disable the no right click?
It didn't work here... It said that I had to run it with the same account as which I installed it with...
I'll try the Re?nstall Windows XP SP2 fix.. (Only the service pack)
It didn't work here... It said that I had to run it with the same account as which I installed it with...
I'll try the Re?nstall Windows XP SP2 fix.. (Only the service pack)
Bummer. Let us know if that works for you.
Hi Elf
Do you have more than one account on your system and are you running from the Admin' account ?
Does it display the message after you type the uninstall command into the Run area or at another stage of the uninstall ?
Hi Elf
Do you have more than one account on your system?
Ah. I didn't know that's what he meant. Sorry, Elf.