If I hide an update in Windows Update on Vista SP1 (see the screenshot)

and then clean with CCleaner 2.09,
and if I want to restore my hiden updates, there is nothing anymore.
(on the screenshot, it is before executing CCleaner)
Which options do I have to uncheck ?
Strange, I cannot load the screenshots in the above post.
Can anyone else?
I see them.
I can't see them because I don't have Vista.
I can't see them either. I don't have Vista either, I use XP.
All I get is this if I copy the image address from where it says image (if you get what I mean)
CeeCee, give us a screenshot of what you see, if you can please.
Well, here's the first screenshot:

And here's the second one:

Thanks CeeCee for the screenshots.
Johnyjohn I find it difficult to see how CCleaner can clean something which isn't on your computer yet. I don't think it has that sort of power ![:)]()
Perhaps this may be a vista quirk, any other vista users seen this, with or without using CCleaner?
Hi hazelnut, I've had this one hidden since April. I run CCleaner all the time.
Could this be the answer?
One other thought: did someone add a Custom File or Folder?
Good find Jamin, looks like that may be the answer.