Ccleaner / registry


I run Ccleaner, Registry tab. I created a backup before fixing problems.

Once I turned on the computer again I got this message "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.

DETAIL - An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry."

I naturally run the backup but nothing different.

Luckly the content is not lost but no way to have the computer starting normally.

Can somebody help?


Can you try a System Restore to a point before the problem started?

Unfortunately not as the System Restore was not enabled

Boot in the safe mode (if you can), try to restore the Backup. If it don't work - try TuneUp

Lambro. Be cautious, alternative advice may arrive.

DrawnProphet may be sincere,

but I naturally suspect the validity of any recommendation to use Tuneup by someone who joined the forum 10 minutes earlier.



Ok sorry I was late to this (my internet went down last night on both my computer and phone (ggrrrr stupit verizonwireless :P )

Anyway, when you constantly get "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile" do this (as described by Microsoft support)

Create a New User Account

To create a new user account, follow these steps:

  1. Start the computer in Safe Mode, and then restart the computer.
    1. After the Power On Self Test (POST), press the F8 key.
    2. On the Windows Advanced Options menu, use the ARROW keys to select Safe Mode, and then press ENTER.
    3. When you are prompted to select the operating system to start, select Windows XP <edition>, where <edition> is the edition of Windows XP that you have installed, and then press ENTER.

[*]Log on as Administrator.

  1. On the "To begin, click your user name" screen, click Administrator.
  2. Type the administrator password, and then press ENTER.

Note In some cases, the Administrator password may be set to a blank password. In this case, do not type a password before you press ENTER.

[*]In Control Panel, click User Accounts.

[*]Create a new user account. Windows makes a new directory for the account in the Documents and Settings folder.

[*]Quit the User Accounts tool, and then restart the computer.


You can then Sign in as the New user and copy the documents, startmenu, desktop, favorites and even the %appdata% folder from the old user to the new one. once you are happy with your new User account you can delete the old user using the user control panel. I actually had to do this recently with my windows 7 machine