CCleaner Registry Cleaning issues

Yes, I have been using, and have been very pleased, with CCleaner for several years now. However, the only reason I have not purchased the CCleaner's professional version is the "few" problems I have been experiencing.

In the past, I could run CCleaner Registry and the software would run as expected. Yet now, when I click on the Registry catagory the software the scans runs to about 17% then freezes and my system has to be re-booted in order to unlock it.

Does an administrator or senior user offer any suggestions on what could be causing the problem?

Perhaps your anti virus is protecting one of its own entries.

Perhaps your anti virus is protecting one of its own entries.

3rd party software firewalls can do the same.

Have you ever installed and later uninstalled Java(x64)? I've had a similar problem since I've uninstalled that application. CCleaner hangs at 14% when trying to do a registry scan. I haven't found a solution yet. After a reinstall of that Java version CCleaner works fine again. So for me there's a connection btw. Java and CCleaner probs.