First of all, especially since this is my 1st posting here: Many thanks for such a great and helpful program!
Doing my routine cleanup I run ccleaner /AUTO followed by ccleaner /REGISTRY. This works as expected on my old Windows XP computer. When I do this on Windows 7, Ccleaner always starts minimized, i.e. no main window pops up. I can only find it in the hidden small icons. After clicking the icon the main window shows.
I am updating Ccleaner frequently. This minimization mystery bugs me since quite some time. I am not sure but I think it was always like this on my Windows 7 computer.
Windows 7 and the missing notification icons (even when you have 'Show icons and notifications' set) is a common issue for lots of people using all sorts of different software.
What sometimes works for me is under the ccleaner advanced section (on left of main ccleaner page) is to tick the tray notifications cache, right click on the box and select 'clean' Then I reboot.
Remember to untick that tray notifications tickbox
What I observed is not missing notification icons. In my case the main window is not shown!
I just tried it again, of course, and I was going nuts because every time I run ccleaner /REGISTRY it started correctly. But I put the two commands in a batch file like so:
echo Running CCleaner /AUTO ...
cd \ccleaner
ccleaner /AUTO
echo Starting CCleaner (for you to clean registry) …
ccleaner /REGISTRY
and apparently, that's when ccleaner /REGISTRY starts minimized.
I think I have an idea why this is the case: I guess the ccleaner /AUTO is running minimized and ccleaner /REGISTRY starts before ccleaner /AUTO is finished. Could that be?
At least, if I remove ccleaner /AUTO it works, I do with /AUTO the /REGISTRY comes up minimized. I tried starting ccleaner /AUTO as start /WAIT ccleaner /AUTO but to no avail
After some web research about batch files and more trial and error I found a workaround. It seems to work if I put some sleep between the 2 commands. Apparently, there is no sleep command like in Linux but I found that one can use ping. So:
ccleaner /AUTO
ping -n 1 -w 2000 >nul
echo Starting CCleaner (for you to clean registry) ...
ccleaner /REGISTRY
does the trick :-)
P.S.: On Windows 7 there is a command timeout but I have the same script on a USB stick and I use the same on my XP computer. So, I chose the ping workaround.