CCleaner Regclean wiped "downloads" folder


While this isn't a crucial issue, I'm curious to know why the CCleaner regcleaner section seems to have wiped my Downloads folder?

Doesn't seem to be clear on the settings that this will wipe select folders when wiping bad registry sectors.

Trying to see what I can recover from Recuva, but it's not looking good.

Again, not crucial, but there was a lot of things I'll have to re-download again from places I'm not too sure are still up.

Any tips would help to see if I'd gone wrong somewhere on this and how to avoid it for next time.


when you did the reg clean did you take the offered reg backup option?

if so, restoring the registry from that may help.

if no, then welcome to the world of hurt caused by cleaning the registry - I have been there, more than once, myself.

then you repeatedly ask yourself "why did I bother doing that for?"

to alleviate your concerns, No!, it certainly shouldn't have blown away your Downloads folder.

some of the times I've ran the reg cleaner, it isn't till months later that I'd run something or find something that wasn't quite right.

to the point I now only run it if I already have some issues, never as a preventive or maintenance exercise. the risks are just too great for what at best can be describe as dubious benefits.

in case it makes a difference and makes other members give better advice, what are you CC and windows version?

Just in case it got hidden

In Windows Explorer go to Tools/Folder Options/View put a check box in Show Hidden Files and Folders. Now go to C:\Users\[username] is the Downloads folder here? If so, right click it and choose Properties. Uncheck Hidden fill attribute.

Maybe Hazelnut is onto something because the registry cleaner has no ability to delete physical files on the hard disk.

Unless you're using some download manager and managing downloaded files from it - then it's feasibly that CCleaner via the 'Cleaner' broom button could've wiped out the download list/MRU.