CCleaner quit, deleted it, but download will not load.

A few days ago when I tried to run CCleaner it gave me an error message which I do not have a copy of now. Thinking something had damaged it, I downloaded it again but I have tried several times to run the download but nothing happens. It never finishes installing. I open the downloaded file, it says it is downloading the files, but then it never finishes. No messages, nothing to indicate what the problem is. Running under Windows 8.

If you use the new version of Norton 360 there's a known conflict and a new version of CCleaner is going to be released to fix it.

If that's not the issue, for other possible solutions see here:

Thank you. I am running Norton 360 so will wait for the update. Will I be notified when it is available?

You can watch for an announcement when the new version is released, which I suspect will be sooner rather than later to remedy the issue with Norton 360:

Forum - Announcements:

Blog - Release Announcements: