Ccleaner Professional

Hello everyone,

I have just bought the Ccleaner Proffesional and also received the data by email.

but there always comes an error Although I enter the name and license key correctly. Please help!

Copy and Paste the key from your email to make sure you are not mistaking letters/numbers.

Make sure you are using the same name that you registered.

See here for help with problems when registering:

Hallo ik heb hetzelfde probleem als vorige krijg ook dezelfde melding

Hallo ik heb hetzelfde probleem als vorige krijg ook dezelfde melding

Ik heb net de Ccleaner Proffesional gekocht en ook de gegevens per e-mail ontvangen maar er komt altijd een fout hoewel ik de naam en licentiesleutel correct invul.

Hi also I have regular purchased licences, correctly typed on form but considered "Invalid". Got almost all time a "Connection Server Error" it says "Connection server error 500 try again later".

By the way the registration trouble affects only CCleaner because Recuva, Speccy and Defraggler are registered and working fine.

het probleem registratie is hier ook alleen bij CCleaner wil Recuva, Speccy en Defraggler zijn geregistreerd en werken prima.

I think that @Matt78may have spotted the problem.

I believe that the CCleaner server(s) has been under a heavy load since the new CCleaner version was launched yesterday, which may explain this sudden issue.

Hopefully things should calm down again and you will then be able to access the server to register.

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I believe that the CCleaner server(s) has been under a heavy load since the new CCleaner version was launched yesterday

Indeed. There is usually quite a bit of load during launches - but it has been extremely heavy this time around. We knew that our increasing user base combined with folks getting back onto their computers after summer was going give the servers a smashing, and we already had a server upgrade planned in a couple of weeks to cope with the projected increase in volume. But it seems like things hit us sooner than expected.

While this will resolve itself once the initial spike of downloads clears, we are trying to coax what we can out of our hardware to minimise impact on our users in the meantime. From the stats coming in it looks like most of our customers have been able to register their new licence keys with no issue, but some have been getting server timeouts after multiple attempts - which is of course annoying and far from experience that we're aiming for.

I can only apologise for the inconvenience and frustration, and ask for you to please bear with us while we get this sorted out.

10 hours ago, Matt78 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Got almost all time a "Connection Server Error" it says "Connection server error 500 try again later".

@Matt78 @Bert Hogemans @Kastro At least one of the server problems seems to have eased off around 18:00 UK time and resolved as of 20:15 UK time (about 5 hours ago) and does not seem to have returned as of the time of writing this. Have you had any luck registering CCleaner since that time without it throwing connection/5xx errors at you?