CCleaner Professional

Which clean is more effective Custom Clean or Easy Clean?

Easy Clean (which is being renamed to Health Check) uses its own set of cleaning rules for what it will clean, rules that you have no control over at all.

It's targeted at non-technical users who just want a quick clean and don't want to go more advanced.

Because Easy Clean/Health Check has set cleaning rules you can't control then that can sometimes be a problem.

For example if using Easy Clean then while it will leave your browsers 'saved passwords' alone it will clear any cookies/forms that hold passwords and information for a website, not something you always want to do. We have had a couple of questions recently where EC has cleared online banking security codes that are held in cookies.

Custom Clean allows you to set more rules than Easy, and ignore things that Easy wouldn't ignore. (so you can set an ignore for those banking cookies).

Custom can also have 'Includes' and 'Excludes' added for almost anything that you want, Easy would ignore any of those that you have set up.

Custom shows more information on just what CCleaner is finding to clean.

Getting more advanced you can use an .ini file to add even more rules to Custom Clean. See winapp2.ini: <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/32310-winapp2ini-additions/" rel=""></a>

The Scheduling and Smart Cleaning, both Pro features, use Custom Clean.

Is there any way to restore the cookies, removed by Health check? I am a user for years now an made the really bad mistake to try the new "health check" , cause itr sounded "healthy" not just the "easy" way.

AFTER running it, I got the information: 4200 trackers removed. That is not nice! ?

3 hours ago, Rapevo said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		<strong>Is there any way to restore the cookies, removed by Health check?</strong>

Not really other than revisiting the website so that it gives you the cookie again.

The same would also apply for anything removed by Custom Clean as well, once they are gone they are gone.

Unless you have made a 'mirror image' backup of of your system that you can restore?

PS. A normal backup wouldn't do, it would need to be a 'mirror image'.

(You might be able to do something with Recuva, - if you have not done anything on your computer since wiping them, and of course you would also need to know the filename in which the removed cookie(s) were stored in order to know which file(s) to restore. TBH I suspect that it would be a fruitless attempt and I doubt that I'd even try it myself).

Thx, that was my fear...

There schould be a warning, before running"Health check". btw: The  new name ist missleading... <span>:-/</span>

Agreed, and agreed, to both those points. (But we don't have any real say in that, as volunteer moderators we can suggest but....).

It's often been suggested in the past that CC should make a backup of the files that it removes.

The big problem there is that if you are clearing files to free up disc space, which is part of what Health Check boasts, then making a backup of the removed files defeats that object because the backup will still take up that space.

The same applies to Windows own Disk Clean-up and Storage Sense; they don't have a backup option either and for the same reason.