ccleaner prof'

By mistake a while ago I clicked on 'free trial' instead of 'free download'

Now everytime I try to use CCleaner it wants me to register my product wcich of course I haven't paid for.

I've tried to uninstall & re-install the fre download but it always re-installs the prof' versions so I'm back to square one.

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the prof' version & go back to the Free one please ?

Hi Michele and welcome,

make sure you are getting your download from the official Piriform website.

here is the page you want;

in theory it should be a matter of uninstalling your current version, go to the CCleaner folder in Program Files and make sure it is empty, reboot your PC (to be sure, to be sure) and double click whatever version you downloaded from the Builds page.

Thank you so much, this time it has worked but the only thing I did differently was I went on your link instead of going to the Piriform website, it has now saying 'Free' instead of 'proffesional'

Thanks Again :)

no worries. glad it worked out for you.