3 hours ago, nukecad said:
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Without saying that you are wrong:
You keep asserting that the time you are seeing CCleaner take to run is due to CCleaner 'phoning home'.
But you haven't said why you think that is happening, other than a vague statement that:
Where/how did you "discover" that?
It isn't what my testing shows, my testing shows the the time taken is the same even when CCleaner cannot even connect to the internet to 'phone home'.
So I have to conclude that the 8 seconds or so that we are seeing is just the normal time taken to run an analyze/clean from a command prompt.
8 seconds or so to Analyze all of the possible locations where junk may be on your drive seems pretty quick to me.
I'm also struggling a bit to understand why you think that CCleaner would run and complete 'instantly' without taking the time needed to analyze/clean whatever junk there may be to clean?
If I called <em>any</em> app that finished instantly I'd assume that the call had faulted and the app had not run at all. (Wrong command syntax, wrong path called, etc).
And of course if you have error reporting turned off in you script/batch then you wouldn't get an error message that it had faulted.
First of all please note I never said that CCleaner "calls home", but I said it "asks for home" (just like on the other hand they do practically all the programs that require the Internet access for any reason: version update, database update, virus update, etc, you know?) and it seems to me quite obvious that if it asks for Internet access it will certainly not want to contact the house of others.
Also please note that if CCleaner asked for home while its Internet settings was checked then that would be the most expected thing in the world!
What is not expected (at least by me) is that CCleaner requires the Internet access even when all its Internet settings are unchecked.
That said, without saying you are wrong, I'm forced to kindly point out to you that the 8 seconds used by CCleaner to make the process disappear from Task Manager start after CCleaner made its job and after it's closed: AFTER it is closed, okay?
Frankly doesn't seem (at least to me) as a small issue.
In other words, after CCleaner has used all its time to clean up all your things from your PC then - after it's closed - it takes 8 seconds to end its process in Task Manager.
I really hope it's clear enough.
Also, if you open CCleaner without making it do absolutely nothing - that's no task at all - and then close it without it to have done absolutely nothing, it will also take 8 seconds to end its process disappear from Task Manager.
All the above does not occurr nor if I grant CCleaner access to the Internet (although all Internet settings are unchecked) nor if I completely disconnect the network card from the network cable (offline status).
Now, If this issue doesn't seem clear enough this is surely not my fault.
P. S.: Finally, please also note that I never said (nor thought) that all over is a maliciously done, I think it may be a bug: however - meanwhile, I don't kindly get an adequate and authoritative reply - I'm sorry if I remain reluctant to grant the Internet access to programs that are set up to not require it. IMNSHO