CCleaner Pro Not Working

I have CCleaner Pro on my Win 10 desktop, but it has stopped working.

I am unable to open CC as administrator as well.

I have uninstalled the old program and installed the latest version, but same issue.

Any help is appreciated.


Not a very helpful message is it?

This support article was posted 3 days ago, but your issue seems to be different and you have have already tried uninstalling/reinstalling as suggested there:

Our first question in case like this is- What Antivirus are you using and is it up to date?

It's best to check for the latest version on the manufacturers website, some AV's report that they are up to date when in fact there is a newer version available.

Also which version of Windows 10 are you running?

There are various things that could cause that message.

One thing that was know to throw up that message in the past was if the user had Kaspersky and had CCleaner set to show the 'Summary' screen in Custom Clean.

Users with that issue  had to disable Kaspersky (or boot into Windows Safe Mode), set the CCleaner to show 'File List' or 'Advanced Report', and then re-enable Kaspersky.

I too like beer -- whiskey not so much. ?

I'm running Win10 version 1909 (OS Build 18363.1082) with the updated Comodo Internet Security Suite, which I have been using for some time without the problem with CCleaner.

Ah, we had a user last week with a similar problem who also had Comodo ISS.

He couldn't run any CCleaner newer than v5.64, probably because some changes including security changes were made in v5.65 and above.

For interest was your previous CCleaner version that you uninstalled lower than v5.65?

It turned out that even though his Comodo said it was up to date there has been a later version available since April.

(His Comodo hadn't automatically updated to it).

The latest version is, released on 21 April 2020.

As said these 'CCleaner not running' problems are often AV related so I'd try updating your Comodo to that latest version if it isn't already.

(I'm off for a beer or two now).

Updated to latest version of Comodo Security Suite Pro, then uninstalled and reinstalled CCleanerBundle-570-setup and still no joy

How can I download v5.64?

I need a ? or six!


Did you do a restart (not shutdown/boot) after updating Comodo?

If you want to try 5.64 then you can still download older CCleaner versions from Filehippo, look on the right of this screen for the list:

Note that if you use Firefox then older versions than v5.70 will clear any data that is saved by Firefox extensions/add-ons, there is a work around you can apply to Custom Clean but it doesn't work for Health Check.

After a week away from my computer I gave it a go again today.

Uninstalled CC then reboot.

Download and install bundle-571 and as soon as I click on open at the end of the install I get the same error popup.

I tried to download the older version from FileHippo but it took me to the CC Pro page that wanted my credit card info to purchase.

More beer please! ?

5 hours ago, Upstate_Steve said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I tried to download the older version from FileHippo but it took me to the CC Pro page that wanted my credit card info to purchase.

I see what you mean about the download button there now, that's a new development but the 14 day pro trial will still download, albeit with an altered installer name.

I'll send you a PM.

Hi Steve, I got your PM.

As v5.64 works for you then I'd stick with using that for now.

It does seem to be a clash with Comodo Security Suite Pro for some reason, although there is only yourself and one other user that have reported it here and updating Comodo fixed it for them.

It's an odd one because v5.64 is the last CCleaner version that is compatible with XP and Vista.

Why it also seems to be the last one that will run sucessfully for you with Comodo Security Suite Pro is a mystery?

You could try disabling or even uninstalling Comodo to see if 5.72 will work then.

Obviously that's not a long term answer because if you've paid for Comodo then you'll want to keep using it, but it would verify if that is indeed where the issue lies.

I'll also flag this up to the staff so that the developers are aware and can take a look.

PS. Just to double check - You don't have CCleaner set to run in compatibility mode for Vista do you?

That would stop any version later than 5.64 from running.