I really didn't and still don't like the CCleaner GUI update introduced last year and so continued using the CCleaner version GUI I liked: v4.19 without any problems.
Recently I had an occasion where the portable CCleaner version could have been useful so I went looking. Not that surprisingly nowhere could I find CCleaner v4.19 portable which, of course, I would prefer.
However from looking at the most recent portable version (512) it contains a Language folder, CCleaner EXE, 64bit EXE, Licence, portable DAT and INI files. The computers I'm likely to be using CCleaner on in this form are also 32bit systems and it occurred to me that the installed CCleaner EXE (419) I already have could 'simply' be used to substitute the CCleaner EXE (512) in the latest version.
I tried this and it appears to function correctly as far as I've experimented. But before actually using it for real I thought I should ask here if there are any problems with using CCleaner portable in this way with a subsituted older GUI version?
You can do that, substitute just the .EXE file ccleaner.exe since the file would be identical with matching hashes/checksums from the portable ZIP and the installer.
Thanks, that confirmation it is OK to use it this way is very helpful.
An additional question that has just occurred to me: the 64bit EXE in the (512) portable version displays without a CCleaner icon. Is this just to differentiate it as a separate CCleaner 64bit OS application from the prime CCleaner EXE?
What I'm concerned about is that maybe launching the CCleaner (419) EXE when being used on a 64bit OS it will automatically launch the 64bit (512) EXE. If so would there be any problems using these two different version EXEs.
As said I'm mostly likely going to be using CCleaner portable on computers using a 32bit OS so if there are any issues I'll just remove the 64bit (512) EXE from its folder.
Recently I had an occasion where the portable CCleaner version could have been useful so I went looking. Not that surprisingly nowhere could I find CCleaner v4.19 portable which, of course, I would prefer.
@trium it is against licensing to distribute piriform software in that manner.
However, if you install ccleaner 4.19 (or whichever version makes you happy) you can copy the exe files from the folder to a new folder, create an empty text file called portable.dat (BE SURE IT ISN'T REALLY portable.dat.txt) in the folder and you've created the portable version. I would not suggest mixing version exe files, as you've been asking about, however I've no idea if it actually would cause issue.