CCleaner Portable skipping UAC

I'm using CCleaner Portable on a Windows 7 Home PC.

No issues with the application itself.

However I have observed on 3 or 4 occasions now CCleaner skipping the UAC prompt.

I know there is an option to have a process CCleanerSkipUAC Piriform Ltd "D:\Portable Apps\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" $(Arg0) override it but that is NOT active and the startup entry for it is not present and the UAC prompt appears everytime anyway.

99% of the time the process is

Double click CCleaner App

Screen Dims

UAC Prompt appears

Click YES and app runs

Click NO and it doesn't

On 3 or 4 occasions the following has happened

Double click CCleaner App

CCleaner appears full screen

Screen Dims

UAC Prompt appears

Click NO and app still runs and works even though UAC response was NO.

Anyone else seen this?

This has to be bug in your computer hardware or software, NOT in the application.

If an application appears and is dimmed as Windows UAC prompts you,

then UAC it totally responsible for waiting for your response and recognising your NO and putting an end to the application,

otherwise UAC is totally powerless to stop malware from executing.

On at least 300 occasions you have launched CCleaner and then selected a UAC response NO

and as a result can report a 1% rate of execution.

I admire patient tireless fault-finding investigations (which I do myself), but that seems a little excessive,

Why ?

On at least 300 occasions you have launched CCleaner and then selected a UAC response NO

No. Read the first post again to see exactly what happens.

and as a result can report a 1% rate of execution.

I think you are taking my figures a bit too literally. I have no idea how many times I have executed CCleaner over the years but I know that on 3 or 4 occasions in recent months the program has launched before the UAC prompt appears (you can see it happen before you select yes or no) and selecting NO still allows you to run the program. So 99% is just an rough approximation and not an exact figure.

I admire patient tireless fault-finding investigations (which I do myself), but that seems a little excessive,

Why ?

No need to take the piss.

All that happened was a few months ago I ran the program and instead of the UAC prompt appearing first CCleaner appeared first THEN the UAC prompt appeared which blocked access to the program until you choose Yes or No. I noticed this because normally programs don't appear until after you say Yes to the UAC prompt and wondered if CCleaner would close if I selected NO. I clicked NO and CCleaner was still running and fully functional. The majority of the time the UAC appears first and you have to select Yes to get CCleaner to run but on 3-4 occasions CCleaner has run before the UAC prompt and on each occasion I have spotted it I have selected NO and still been able to use the program.

Yes it's probably a fault in my hardware or Windows. I'm not blaming CCleaner - I only asked if anyone else had seen this. Don't worry. I'm not.

I was not extracting the urine - but guilty of taking you literally.

I almost always have UAC disabled because its prompts interfere with my use of the computer.

I use and depend upon Comodo Internet Security which has never failed me, and I find to be user friendly.

I would however be extremely concerned if UAC allowed an application or malware to appear on screen before it even pauses.

If malware can control what is displayed then I guess it has already caused Windows to display the fonts which it has selected,

and I seem to remember that some fonts can be used by malware exploits.

I have a friend who drove both a BMW and a LandRover.

He describes the LandRover as a collection of parts travelling in close formation.

Windows has unpredictable race hazards, and I would describe it as

A collection of chunks of code proceeding in chaos until completion - or BSOD.

Interesting issue.

Is the portable always run from the same place?

Is it always under the same user account?

Do you clean the registry?

Alan_B thank you.


Is the portable always run from the same place? Yes. A second hard drive in my PC D:\Portable Apps\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe

Is it always under the same user account? Yes

Do you clean the registry? Yes.

What is the D:\ file system ?

NTFS or FAT32 ?

A humble USER account CAN run *.bat scripts or Portable CCleaner.exe that are on a non-system FAT32 partition,

but CANNOT do the same on a non-system NTFS partition until I step in on my Administrator account and use CACLS to grant access to the relevant folder for all Users.

I would like to think Windows 7 security capabilities would apply equally to both NTFS and FAT32,

BUT I really doubt it,

and perhaps UAC protection might be a little Iffy when FAT32 is involved.

Also check the system scheduled tasks and see if the UAC skip task has hung around

What is the D:\ file system ?


It's also an Administrator account.

Also check the system scheduled tasks and see if the UAC skip task has hung around

First post says

I know there is an option to have a process CCleanerSkipUAC Piriform Ltd "D:\Portable Apps\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" $(Arg0) override it but that is NOT active and the startup entry for it is not present and the UAC prompt appears everytime anyway.

Start-up entry isn't task, task is task that was what I asked to check

Ah sorry didn't realise there was a scheduled task and startup. I'll check later. Thanks.

Will the task show up under scheduled tasks tab in Ccleaner?

It should but I don't know of hand, better to check in the windows task scheduler

With the option enabled it appears in both start up and task scheduled. When disabled it doesn't.