CCleaner Portable - Privacy

I'm really new to portable apps so please forgive me if I sound really newbish..

I wanted to learn how CCleaner Portable worked. I like the idea simply because you don't have to execute the entire installation file when you're using it on a different computer (granted though all my pcs have ccleaner by default, but I like the idea of being able to keep it on a flash drive).

In any case, referencing this site ( a review of ccleaner portable) they mention that every time its run a .ini or list of settings are made.

Just curious, does that lead to any privacy issues since that .ini is being custom made for the PC that its running on? Or is the ccleaner portable completely independent and literally won't leave a trace or retain a trace of the pc's its run on?

Thank you for your time & g'day

It's running strictly from an .INI file located in the same path where CCleaner.exe is, therefore it won't add anything onto the system. The only thing that could be left behind is by Windows itself which is unavoidable those being MUIcache entries, and Prefetch files.

One possible privacy concern MIGHT be that if you run your FLASH on some other person's computer,

CCleaner may detect what applications are installed and merit cleaning,

and it may record within the INI file on your flash which applications are checked for cleaning, and which were excluded from cleaning.

If that happens then your flash may carry out knowledge on what applications are installed.

You might know from your Flash that the computer user employs programs to :-

Clean his registry - so what , every one does ; or

Deal with a substance abuse addiction - do you want this guy dating your daughter ! ! !

The INI deals with configuration, not the stuff that is removed.

I do not think it will remember any cookies that were deleted,

but obviously any cookies you moved across to the KEEP section would be logged for future preservation.
