CCleaner Portable - Perform task at Windows start (Startup folder)

I would like to have CCleaner to run and perform the task as per CCleaner.ini at Windows startup using a batch file.

Intend to put following .bat in the Windows Startup folder

rem CCleanerStartupBatch.bat

rem 05-05-2019

rem Windows 10 x64

@echo off

CD D:\Downloads\SystemTools\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe

CCleaner.exe  /AUTO


I am not entirely sure though as I am not familiar with batch files.

The batchfile is in the CCleaner folder and I created a link to the batch file in:

 folder C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Q: Will this work?


Later: I gave it try and it worked out fine.

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