CCleaner Portable
i have made this portable,hope u all like it
CCleaner Portable
i have made this portable,hope u all like it
Sorry to have to tell you this, but this version of 'Portable' is not nearly as 'clean' as the last version - 1.36.430. For openers, it is dependent on folder name - e.g. CCleaner.exe must reside in a sub-folder (CCleaner) of CCleanerPortable. This is not the case in the last version. Portable.exe could reside in the CCleaner folder itself. Secondly, is it absolutely necessary to write all of those registry entries, then delete them on exit? Would be more desireable if you did not have to touch the registry at all. Thanks for listening.
The real portable version (I guess you can call it that)... It will be a few days before it is out. The registry settings will be removed, plus new stuff. I'm not sure what all is on it, I haven't even seen it yet. TheOdds is doing it, I haven't even had time to mess with it lately, due to work.
How translate it to another language ???
I don't know ,anybody help me ,thanks !
I will be releasing the new portable version in about 30 mins. It has several changes and it will support all the languages CCleaner supports.
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your work will reach more audience.
sounds like a good idea