I recently discovered that CCleaner no longer shuts down my PC.
This may be due to a recent Microsoft Windows Update that changed the interactions between certain installed
Normal method:
1) I created a CCleaner.exe shortcut onto my desktop
2) In the shortcut Properties, I added the line: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN in the Target: field.
CCleaner starts to run as normal, but the PC won't close, only my MSE Antivirus closes.
To resolve the issue, I created a very simple 2 second batch file.
1) Open a new .txt document and paste the following into the document.
"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN
"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN
2) Save as CCleaner2 and close the document
3) Rename the document from CCleaner2.txt to CCleaner2.bat
Now when CCleaner runs to clean and shut down the PC, it'll run twice.
I've tested this method and it always works!
I even created a CCleaner_Shutdown.exe with the same script.