CCleaner opens, but takes time for buttons to un-gray

OS - Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit SP 2

Been using CCleaner for many years, thanks.

After starting CCleaner (currently running V4.17.4808) the screen opens, but both the "Analyze" and "Run Cleaner" buttons will be grayed out for 1 to 10 minutes (varries each time I open) before I can run CCleaner to clean up my hard drive.

This has been happening for the last several months and before (since around 415 I believe).

Same thing happens when I have it open when my system starts, it wont start the auto clean on system start for 1-10 minutes or so.

Can't figure out why it happens.


It's scanning for installed programs. Are you running a large winapp2.ini file such as the entirety of the template shared in the thread of this board. Or maybe you are using some sort of "enhancing" program for ccleaner

Im not sure I am following you completely.

I have not added any programs to CCleaner (from what I can tell in your link to Winapp2.ini explination), only whatever default programs it picks up.

I have not added any programs before this started to happen.

I am also running Malwarebytes and also Symantac Endpoint protection for antivirus

Thanks for your thoughts on this.

Something to try to see if it's antivirus related (might not be though):

* Virus scan the CCleaner program files folder before you run CCleaner.

* Open CCleaner after the virus scan completes.

If CCleaner opens quick and is usable it could be due to the antivirus.

Also, and perhaps related, visit the Microsoft Updates website and have it download+install any available Root Certificate updates it shows are available. Doing this may allow digitally signed software (all Piriform software is digitally signed) to work correctly, especially if it's a certificate problem.

To make totally explicit that which was implied with Link to Winapp2.ini explanation

this is a reference to the very large download named "Winnapp2.ini",

which you are free to add into the CCleaner.exe folder,

and its presence MAY massively increase the time for which buttons are greyed out.

Thanks Alan B, I do not have Winnapp2.ini on my computer, I did a search for it also, nor have I added anything.

@Andavari, thanks I will try those possible solutions and report back.