CCleaner on Win 7 Home Premium

Got a question: Just got Win 7 H/P installed. When I run CCleaner and go to Tools/Uninstall, I don't see some of the software loaded on the machine. (i.e. Windows stuff). I can only see thrid party apps. I have been using XP pro for the past 6 years without any problems. I could see everything. Not sure if its my lack of understanding Win 7 fully or some permissions deal. But I thought I would check here for any possible fix. I'm new to the forum and look forward to imbibe all of the knowledge.


What sort of difference are you seeing between CCleaner and appwiz?

by appwiz I believe he means the programs control panel

I see everything that's in the programs control pannel (i.e. appwiz) also in CCleaner, however it doesn't show the update or security updates like it did using XP Pro. Just wonder if that's inherant with Windows 7 or is there something that I can do with CCleaner that will show everything that is on my Windows 7 Home Primium system. I guess what I'm saying is I'm used to is seeing all software loaded on the system with CCleaner and on Windows 7 its not present.

On Win7 I show Programs to Remove, Publisher, Install Date, Size, Version.

Can't compare with XP cos mine's been gone for ages. Many others here still use it, maybe they'll chime in.

Do you see all of the windows updates and security updates that have been installed....???

I see that stuff in Windows Update\ View update history. Not in CCleaner\ Tools\ Uninstall

On xp, using Ccleaner 3.27.1900:

- do not see the windows updates using Tools, Uninstall.

- do see them in Windows tab, Advanced, Hotfix Uninstallers.

- do see them in appwiz.cpl if the Show Updates box at the top is checked.

- do see them in appwiz.cpl if the Show Updates box at the top is checked.

Slightly different in Win7\ appwiz.cpl -- click View installed updates to show and uninstall an update.

updates cannot be removed via add/remove programs (program panel in win7/8) which is all that Microsoft gives access to via its API. You can only remove updates via appwiz


Thanks for all of the info..... I'm new to Win 7 and will have to get used to driving a little different. I was on XP Pro for .... ever it seems. Once again thank you to everyone that eased my worried little mind....:) Now onward to more challenging nightmares...!!