I installed CCleaner on a usb flash drive and when I try to tick the "save file to INI it won't allow me"
Anyone know why? Thanks in advance.
I installed CCleaner on a usb flash drive and when I try to tick the "save file to INI it won't allow me"
Anyone know why? Thanks in advance.
Instead of Installing it All you want is the Zipped Portable Version
it already has a checkmark in the use ini
So uninstall CCleaner and use the link above and unzip it straight to your drive
Instead of Installing it All you want is the Zipped Portable Version
it already has a checkmark in the use ini
So uninstall CCleaner and use the link above and unzip it straight to your drive
Thanks for responding however I did extract the zipped folder to the usb flash drive and I can't tick the option to save to INI file.
EDITED; I have removed it from flash drive and downloaded again the ZIP folder and than again extracted it to a folder I named CcleanerPortable which is in my portable usb flash drive. However when attempting to tick off the option to save to INI file it doesn't. What am I doing wrong? Note I have the standard version on my commputer but I also wanted to add the portable option for my usb flash drive so I can use it with other computers. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for responding however I did extract the zipped folder to the usb flash drive and I can't tick the option to save to INI file.
EDITED; I have removed it from flash drive and downloaded again the ZIP folder and than again extracted it to a folder I named CcleanerPortable which is in my portable usb flash drive. However when attempting to tick off the option to save to INI file it doesn't. What am I doing wrong? Note I have the standard version on my commputer but I also wanted to add the portable option for my usb flash drive so I can use it with other computers. Thanks in advance.
It is a "default" in the program. There should be another file in the unzipped folder. I think this is necessary to "trigger" it.
You can not change the INI file option. It will always be on.
As soon as you run it first time the .ini file will be created. You can then put your own INI data in there.
I never tried putting my .ini file in The CCleaner folder first before the first run. You might try that and see if that gives you what you want.
I would test it out myself but I'm too busy right now.
Good luck,
I installed CCleaner on a usb flash drive and when I try to tick the "save file to INI it won't allow me"Anyone know why? Thanks in advance.
Hi Don.
Well your best bet is not to install it on a Flash drive install it on the hard drive and just copy the whole CCleaner folder to the Flash drive then you can use the save to ini option. Why do you need it an Flash drive are you using the same settings on multiple computers?
Well your best bet is not to install it on a Flash drive install it on the hard drive and just copy the whole CCleaner folder to the Flash drive then you can use the save to ini option.
Write this batch file and replace F: with the drive letter of your flash drive
COPY F:\CCleaner C:\CCleaner "C:\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO RMDIR C:\CCleaner /f /q
then install the normal version of CCleaner on a hard drive to pre-configure it for .ini stuffs. Once you configured it, copy the CCleaner files to the F:\CCleaner directory.
I do this all the time at work
Ok Guys, First of all I would like to thank everyone who gave advices to me.
Now about my issue.
I have resolved it by removing CCleaner from my USB drive and copying the Standard CCleaner version folder from my computer to the USB flash drive . Than I went to the standard version on my computer and ticked the option to save to INI files and than after doing this I was able to tick the option to save files to INI on the CCleaner on the USB drive.
And finally went back to the computer one and unticked the option and than verified the USB one and the tick was selected.
So everything is fine now. Again many thanks to all who responded.