May 13, 2008, 7:27pm
I went to use eraser on recycle bin(which had a lot of files in) and using erasers context menu i clicked 35over passes by miss take....
This was taking a long time so i clicked cancel, & eraser crashed.
Now every time CCleaner loads on startup it never stops cleaning on recycle bin. When ever i analyse i get
ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (1.020 secs)
89,905.9MB to be removed. (Approximate size)
Secure file deletion enabled - Simple Overwrite (1 pass)
Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)
But the recycle bin says it is empty????????? Now i have left CCleaner for 30minutes on startup but it just idles at
empty recycle bin c:\blabla\data.tag
Then i cancel and it reports
Details of files deleted
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Cookies\user@rad.msn[2].txt 690 bytes
Emptied Recycle Bin (1 files) 89,905.2MB
any ideas??????????????????
May 13, 2008, 8:03pm
Just noticed also now when i delete stuff nothing goes into the recycle bin. even if i drag and drop :S
May 14, 2008, 2:19am
Just noticed also now when i delete stuff nothing goes into the recycle bin. even if i drag and drop :S
Try right clicking the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.Then also check Recycle Bin Properties with right click. Make sure settings are correct.
If that doesn't work go to Kellys Korner look for Recycle Bin under R under Trouble Shooting A-Z. Add to Favorites and Bookmark it .You will use it often.
89,905.2MB That's 89.9 Gigs !!!
When you say eraser,you mean the product ERASER?
P.S. Do you really think some one is going to spend tens of thousands of Dollars or Euros to forensically examine your hard drive? Do you like buying new hard drives ? One overwrite is sufficient.
May 14, 2008, 7:37am
Thanks for the reply,
For some reason every thing is working fine again this morning....Strange as i did try restart before.
Also i only do use 1over write(as my pasted log above shows) 35passes was a accident, It just comes on ERASERS context menu.
May 14, 2008, 1:52pm
Thanks for the reply,
For some reason every thing is working fine again this morning....Strange as i did try restart before.
Also i only do use 1over write(as my pasted log above shows) 35passes was a accident, It just comes on ERASERS context menu.
That's good with 1 overwrite.How did you manage to get that much into your Recycle Bin ?
May 14, 2008, 3:02pm
That's good with 1 overwrite.How did you manage to get that much into your Recycle Bin ?
Hahaha your a better man then me if you can answer that one. The limit is set at 2gb. I think it's just one of them things