Sometimes, after finished the scanning (cleaner), doesn't show nothing, all blank without text, the progressbar is completed
anyone knows why?
Sometimes, after finished the scanning (cleaner), doesn't show nothing, all blank without text, the progressbar is completed
anyone knows why?
Do you mean completely blank or just not showing any files it can clean?
The area of the files it can delete. See image
If that is showing up "after" you have scanned that is very odd, I suggest you uninstall CCleaner and reinstall it. Twistedmetal may be able further help you when he logs in.
Yea, try uninstalling it, and then reinstalling it. See if that helps.
Yeah, I uninstalled and installed many times, but still problem :-( (the strange thing is that is random, sometimes shows files, sometimes, not!) I love this program (when works) and I want to continue using it!
If that is showing up "after" you have scanned that is very odd, I suggest you uninstall CCleaner and reinstall it. Twistedmetal may be able further help you when he logs in.
Uh, these screenshot was tooked before the scanner (because in that moment I couldn't replicate the problem) but the screenshot of this post is the true problem I having (Notice the completed progressbar)
Sorry then m8 I really don't have a clue why that is happening, good luck in fixing it.
Sometimes, after finished the scanning (cleaner), doesn't show nothing, all blank without text, the progressbar is completedanyone knows why?
Here is the advice I got in a parallel discussion thread.
"This is a shot in the dark, but do you have the latest Visual Basic 6 Runtime?
Get the <a href="">here</a> if you don't."
Although I was hesitant about installing it - I did, and the problem is sloved.
(I am also running CCleaner on Win 98 SE).
Hope this helps.
Thanks Vartkes, The VB6 fixes the problem but now appeared a new one, sometimes, when scanning the "issues" appear an error saying that "CCleaner has caused an error in MSVBVM60.DLL"
I've had this kind of roughness with WinMe + CCleaner as well. Not much we've been able to do to sort it yet. And during an issues scan, even! My WinMe crash experiences were only when doing a file cleanup... never had an issues crash yet...
Does it go partially through the issues scan before it dies? Try stopping the issues scan partially through, removing what it finds, then starting it again, over and over. Maybe you'll narrow down to a few entries that are causing it.
I've had this kind of roughness with WinMe + CCleaner as well. Not much we've been able to do to sort it yet. And during an issues scan, even! My WinMe crash experiences were only when doing a file cleanup... never had an issues crash yet...
Does it go partially through the issues scan before it dies? Try stopping the issues scan partially through, removing what it finds, then starting it again, over and over. Maybe you'll narrow down to a few entries that are causing it.
Thanks, I did what you suggested and yes, a few entries was causing the problem, now it don't crash (for now)
Many thanks again
The good times finished, again appeared the problem of blank area without text.