CCleaner not wiping IE User Names and Passwords

Grrr. Hit escape and lost my entire post. Take two (but never as good as the original)...

I have become aware that CCleaner no longer deletes stored IE6/IE7 user names and passwords. I have several systems and they are ALL affected. All are running XP Pro SP2, one has NIS 2007, most have AVG Antivirus and Windows Firewall enabled, and one has the new Comodo Firewall Pro 3.0. All running CCleaner v2.05.55 (but the problem apparently began much longer ago).

A quick test involves my router which requires a login. No matter what I do, the user name and password is always retained. OK - if I uncheck the "Remember my password" tick box, it IS blanked out next time - but I'd have to uncheck every site individually to un-remember them all, and I'd never catch everything.

The thing is - it's not just CCleaner. I can't even do it manually any more! I go into IE6/IE7's "Tools/Internet Options/Content/AutoComplete/Settings" and UNcheck everything. Next, in IE6 you click on "Clear Forms" and "Clear Passwords" in the same window. In IE7 you have to go back to the General tab to "Delete Forms" and "Delete Passwords". I've done all this, even rebooted, but the user names and passwords persist.

Back when it all worked, the first time I accessed my router after a cleaning I would get that dialog box telling me "Windows can remember blah blah blah". I NEVER see that any more. It just remembers.

Someone suggested going in to "Control Panel/User Accounts/Manage my network passwords" and deleting any entries there. It's completely blank with no entries at all.

I'm stumped. Where is this information being stored? In pre-XP days, I would delete the .PWL file.

Most people posting here seem to have the opposite problem - their stored logins were wiped and they want them back. I want mine to go away!


This article at NirSoft and their freeware utility may help.

That IE Passview utility did the trick! Thank you!

There were about two dozen user/password entries in my "Credentials File". CCleaner apparently can't get at them. Other login credentials are stored in the registry, and those are the ones that CCleaner still wipes.

This must have changed at some point? Some Windows update? I though it might be related to IE7, but an older system with IE6 was also affected. I know that these logins used to get cleared out, but I'm not that familiar with the "Credentials File".

Anyway, thanks again.

This article at NirSoft and their freeware utility may help.
I'm selling this old Win98SE system that works fine with high speed Internet but is a bit slow and I wanted to get rid of the saved passwords and that utility worked like a charm.