CCleaner not start

Since a few days and try to run CCleaner does not start, which is not the problem, only happens with this program. I have Windows 7 64bit, Comodo Firewall and KAV.

do you get an error message?

so you double click the icon to run it and then what happens?

I have the same problem (I have Win XP). It has always worked fine, then suddenly no longer starts.

I thought a virus, but I don’t have it (I made deep scan with Avira and Malwarebytes). Then I discovered that Ccleaner works perfectly in Safe Mode. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times different versions, but it’s always the same thing with all versions: only works in Safe Mode, never in normal mode. I tried Ccleaner Portable but it’s the same thing.

I often run the registry cleaner with several different programs (JetClean, Regcleaner), and I think maybe there is a command line in the registry that prevents Ccleaner to start, and this command line is not loaded when Windows starts in safe mode, so Ccleaner works.

Do you have any idea about it?

Can you be more specific?

How are you opening CCleaner (link; directly from double-clicking on CCleaner.exe; command line)?

When you say, "It does not start" do you mean the application doesn't even execute/load up or do you mean clicking "Run Cleaner" does nothing?

If the application isn't even executing/loading up, try renaming "CCleaner.exe" to something like "CxC.exe" and double-clicking "CxC.exe". Often times Malware (if it is Malware) will run process killing functions against a predefined list of common utilities and "CCleaner.exe" could be included in that list.

If you're *positive* Malware is not a culprit you could try uninstalling CCleaner and re-installing it (especially if you've been using those snake oil registry-cleaning applications) to hopefully restore any broken registry keys.

If that doesn't even work, try uninstalling CCleaner and re-installing a slightly older build of it.

Thanks for the reply!

I’ve tried everything: direct click on exe in the folder… I have uninstalled and re-installed CCleaner many times with many different versions, both from Safe Mode from the normal mode… it always happens the same thing: clicking on Ccleaner.exe the hourglass appears for 2 seconds and then stop. Nothing. But in Safe Mode Ccleaner works fine always.

But today it finally happened something new, thanks to you: your advice worked!

I renamed the exe file: ccl.exe and for the first time in days worked in normal mode also!

So is malware?

Should I then try to flush him out with different software from Avira and Malwarebytes? …

What do you think?..

Well, renaming CCleaner.exe to CCL.exe and getting it to work in Windows' normative state narrows down the possible culprits. Also, the subtle detail you mentioned seeing the mouse turn to an hour glass after double-clicking CCleaner.exe (before renaming the file) makes me believe CCleaner did execute but another process is terminating it before you see CCleaner's GUI being displayed.

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I have no doubt that you meant well with your advice on malware removal to Ellin.

However you may possibly not be aware of item 10 'Giving advice on Malware Removal' in our Forum Rules...


Your advice has been the only one to have been really useful for this specific problem … and I refer not only to this forum, but all over the web (which I scoured long before coming here), then, notwithstanding rule 10, thank you.

Returning to the technical question …

I think so. I used HiKackThis both in safe mode and in Windows’ regulatory state, saving and comparing the lists of running processes, to try to figure out which process is NOT loaded in safe mode and allows to run Ccleaner … but also checking one by one I’ve not found the damned Ccleaner-killer process. Do you think using a different anti-malware program can ferret out the guilty? And if so, which one? Or… does anyone know what this damn process? …or knows a way to solve this problem (very frequent, judging from what you read on the web) once and for all without using malware removal?

The fact that CCleaner runs in safe mode could mean it is being stopped by a real-time process such as an AV or Firewall.

It is possible it is being caused by either Comodo or KAV.

Turn off both and see if CCleaner then runs. If it does run then turn Comodo back on and see if CCleaner runs.

If it does run, then turn KAV back on and see what happens.

Also if you run CCleaner as another user does the same thing happen?

I have already done this and the problem remains.

I uninstalled the antivirus (Avira) and I have never used a firewall, I stopped all active processes not essentials, I tried to change the user and the problem has always been: Ccleaner works only in safe mode, or renaming the file .exe - with all the version I tested …

I still think the problem is in the file system registry … for some reason a program (not necessarily malware) amended an education they need to Ccleaner …

With all your reg cleaning across multiple products, any chance you did reg backups and can restore one of them, or even use Windows Restore points.

I'm guessing with all the reg cleaning, that one or more of the programs have done something to the registry.

You mention you tried CC Portable, which goes nowhere near the registry (I believe) - so that is strange and potentially puts the light back on a malware problem which has it's case strengthened by CC working only in Safe Mode or with the .exe renamed.

Despite your best efforts and personal beliefs, I'd be scanning the PC with all the usual arsenal of anti-malware programs.

I uninstalled the antivirus (Avira) and I have never used a firewall

My mistake, I read the first post in this thread.

Perhaps it would have been better if you had started your own thread in the first place to avoid confusion..

MTA: I thought the same thing too, but CCleaner is the only software that has this problem among all of those installed ...

Now I will try test number 1400: I will install one by one and I will use all the anti-malware in circulation, until I can not flush the Grinch.

Hazelnut: You're right, but I would open a post identical to this, with the exact same thread, because this is (and remains) the problem: "Ccleaner not start" and a few lines more or less can not do much confusion ...

Hazelnut: You're right, but I would open a post identical to this, with the exact same thread, because this is (and remains) the problem: "Ccleaner not start" and a few lines more or less can not do much confusion ...

There can be many DIFFERENT causes that result in what appears to be the same consequence.

You only succeed in "muddying the water" when you hijack another person's topic.

Starting another topic with the same title should be no problem - if the forum software objects then append your User Name to the topic.

Alan_B: can you tell me the causes that you know that can cause this problem? Thank's!!

Alan_B: can you tell me the causes that you know that can cause this problem? Thank's!!

For starters there is

Inadequate protection by Avira and Malwarebytes permitting damage by Virus to the Operating System and or some part of the Application in question

Incorrect removal by Avira and Malwarebytes of code needed for correct operation of the Operating System and or some part of the Application in question

:wacko: :rolleyes:

But seriously, my advice was purely general and referred specifically to symptoms and not problems that cause those symptoms.

There are so many ways that Windows can "throw a wobbly",

and some causes are more applicable to Windows 7 (subject of this topic) and not applicable to your XP system,

and perhaps the converse is true for other symptoms.

Please start your own topic.

This topic belongs to SorroSorro and his problem.

Ok, I opened a new topic (uffa)...

Well, renaming CCleaner.exe to CCL.exe and getting it to work in Windows' normative state narrows down the possible culprits. Also, the subtle detail you mentioned seeing the mouse turn to an hour glass after double-clicking CCleaner.exe (before renaming the file) makes me believe CCleaner did execute but another process is terminating it before you see CCleaner's GUI being displayed.

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I have certainly changed CCleaner CCL64.exe 64.exe for me and it worked. There seems to be a program that is blocking it. All I have recently installed a "patch" called KMSpico, which was not detected by KAV as virus or anti-malware by Malwarebytes.

Thanks for your answer.

Why are you using KMSpico to activate Win 7?