I have been using CCleaner for 2 years. I always update its version but the problem of keeping all internet history in Chrome still exists. I have searched the forum but cannot find any people to voice out. I am wondering if I have done something wrong in the configuration. Please advise.
I assume that what you are talking about is ctrl+H and not any sort of search history or google driven autotype.
Couple things to check
1) Is your chrome installed in the default location
2) if you run task manager and go to the processes tab are there any occurences of "chrome.exe" running
1. I installed it and followed its default steps. I have found it is installed in
"C:\Users\John Chiu\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
I think it is its default path.
2. There are several instance of chrome.exe running in task manager.
1. I installed it and followed its default steps. I have found it is installed in
"C:\Users\John Chiu\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
I think it is its default path.
2. There are several instance of chrome.exe running in task manager.
Um no the default location should be installed in c:\program files\google\chrome\application I believe WOW, Google is doing things MAD oddly. . . yes chrome defaults to the location1 you stated, which is absolutely bonkers!!?!?! ](though regarding CCleaner and browsers this is not AS important. )
However the reason your history is not cleaned is that chrome is still running. If you close chrome (and check task manger, killing each and every instance of chrome still running after exit) CCleaner will do it's job. Though you seem to have an issue in your Chrome if it isn't exiting fully when you exit it. I'm going to guess you've some sort of badly written plugin or addon or theme or extension which is stopping chrome's full exit.
1 [rant]One of the main reasons I don't like Google, they do not do things in the manner that Microsoft prescribes. It is ridiculous to install an application in the data folder; this would result in the need for each user of a computer to install the browser. This is even more troubling because when you update chrome it leaves behind remnants of it's former selves, as well as the fact that if user A updates and user B doesn't any security vulnerabilities or the old version are still present on the machine. To boot, upon uninstall much is left behind (including GoogleCrashDumper.exe still running in the background. I renew my opinion that Google's Browser is the worst browser available for the PC (my opinion only) [/rant]