CCleaner not in my "All Programs" menu

I love the CCleaner product, but it doesnot appear in my Start menu "All Programs" list. Did I do something wrong when I installed it, and can I get it onto the "All Programs" List???

Go to start>My Computer>C Drive>Program Files. Look for the ccleaner folder and open it. You should see a ccleaner icon that says ccleaner.exe. Right click that and press send to and then desktop. Then drag that icon over to your start bar and then place it in all programs.

Go to start>My Computer>C Drive>Program Files. Look for the ccleaner folder and open it. You should see a ccleaner icon that says ccleaner.exe. Right click that and press send to and then desktop. Then drag that icon over to your start bar and then place it in all programs.

Thanks so much,rridgely! I had been trying to something like that , but couldn't get it to work. You must have had the magic touch !

If you setup ccleaner using another user go to C:\Documents and Settings\that user\Start Menu\Programs and move the ccleaner folder to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs!

By the way it will be VERY USEFUL if ccleaner it will install in %ALLUSERPROFILES%\Start Menu\Programs INSTEAD OF %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs