CCleaner not doing what it said on the tin when purchased

Every time an update for CCleaner has come out , I have to email customer services to get it .

According to the sales blurb , I am supposed to get an automatic update .

I have never received one .

I presume someone will tell me when my subscription runs out .

That will give me the opportunity to protest at bad service by cancelling .

Unless of course someone can explain why I shouldn't .

The subscription expires after 1 year.

I don't have the professional version so i can't help you troubleshoot too much, at the risk of asking a stupid question, have you installed the professional version? The free version does not auto-update at all, regardless of whether or not you've purchased ccleaner professional

With CCleaner Pro, if the relevant box is checked (and it may not be by default, can't remember) ...

"Options\Settings\Automatically check for updates to CCleaner"

... and an update is available, then after launching CCleaner you should get a pop-up window telling you so, and asking if you want to download and install it.

If this isn't happening, and you do have that box checked, then I would contact the developers direct and let them know. There may be something not quite right with your installation, but I'm sure they would sort it if you made them aware.

EDIT: Welcome to the forum by the way mike.

Thanks for the replies , I appreciate them .

The CCleaner is the paid-for version .

I have tried (each time this happened) to get the problem sorted .

I informed Customer Services that I had been offered the update and was reluctant to download it because I had paid for auto updates and it implied in any case that I would have to pay again to download .

The response from Customer Services was to tell me to ignore the paying bit because it wouldn't happen , then they did the Auto Update . Each time . Same thing .

Why ?

And more to the point , if a company cannot get that part right after at least 7 attempts , would you trust them enough to renew ?

I have to say that the programme clearly speeded-up the computer after first download .

But the irritation at the casual response is getting to me .

So unless I get what I paid for I shall not be renewing . By the way , in the UK , the sale of goods act makes it illegal to sell goods not fitting the advertised description . I shall not pursue that , but the company should be aware ; someone else might .

PS EDIT-----surprise , surprise , I just got updated to 4.10 . Now how did that happen ? Did someone actually take notice of my post ?

Do I have to do this every time ?

PPS ---------Perhaps I made a tactical error when I sent a "thank you" email to CC after its installation improved my computer .

I belive it may take about a week or so for auto updates to propagate fully. This is the case with the update notifications in the free version as well.

I had a problem recently with the auto-update window telling me that I couldn't download the update and that I had to "purchase" ...


... and then when I selected "cancel" and ran it again it worked fine.

Turned out this was due to outdated root certificates on my PC. Once I had managed to get a long-running Microsoft Update issue fixed, and the optional "root certificates update" installed, then it worked fine.

Maybe something similar.

rkill fixes some certificate problems, last time I checked

This wasn't a case of needing something like that, it was the issue described here and fixed by hazels link ...

Probably not mikes problem, but posted just to show how unknown influences can affect an auto-update.

I've never had any issues with my pro version installing...and it's portable. Do you have it set to silently update? If I recall correctly that's an option (I'll have to check to be sure when I boot-up tomorrow)

I must be honest here, I have never had CCleaner Pro set to autoupdate.

I prefer to just download the latest ccleaner from the CCleaner download site and install over the top. I use slim version.

mikemgb do you have a firewall? I ask because in my firewall I have it set to warn me when a program calls out from my PC (like ccleaner autoupdate does) I then block it :)

Same as when I install any new build of ccleaner, it calls out to see if I am installing latest version, I block it, it gives up shouting out and installs anyway :lol:

Thanks for the new answers .

My Firewall is set to receive updates from selected programmes , including CC .

I take note of what you say , Hazelnut , but must point out that when the update advice appears , it always says download for £19.95 or whatever the price is .

I think the problem may lie in the fact that I joined CC via the USA and the updates and even possibly limited customer data are held in UK .

Whatever it is , I have alerted CC to the problem on at least 7 occasions and always get the "just download it and ignore the price" advice . The only offer made when this happens is it says "Buy new 4.---- for £ 19.95" . Past experience with software companies has taught me NEVER EVER take advice to ignore what it says about buying and download . If any of you have ever been caught like that , you will understand . Trying to recover money which should not have been taken is fraught with health damaging obstacles like "prove that you paid " , "your account shows that you had already paid and it is your fault if you pay twice " , "We cannot refund in the UK a product that was bought in the USA" and so on .

No , my friends , I reiterate , the advertising says "automatic update" and it does not do so UNLESS I prompt CC to do it-----like yesterday evening after I started this thread my update suddenly appeared .

Why is it that CC can send me advice of an update when they could simply update it as advertised ?

Someone , somewhere , is running a sloppy system . It does not inspire confidence .

If Google Earth , Google Chrome , Picasa , and many other free programme providers can do it , with the vast numbers of customers they have , it is obviously technically possible .

One solution would be to update all paying customers' programmes first then advertise the update . Then you would not get people getting put off renewing .

Think outside the box , there is always another way of approaching a problem

Mikemgb , retired hardware and software designer .

Past experience with software companies has taught me NEVER EVER take advice to ignore what it says about buying and download

Why the concern ?

I would fully expect that if you just proceed it would NOT cost you anything without confirming credit card details etc first.

Unless of course you have signed up for a recurring annual payment which authorizes the supplier to continue charging your account until you cancel,

in which case they could continue charging regardless of whether you download.

That at least has been my limited experience when getting services via the internet.


Alan ,

I think that you are missing the point .

I cannot get updated without going through the full procedure , credit card and all .

Would you risk losing a quarter of a week's pay (pension) in order to correct CC's error ?

In any case , I should not have to .

Alan ,

I think that you are missing the point .

I cannot get updated without going through the full procedure , credit card and all .

Would you risk losing a quarter of a week's pay (pension) in order to correct CC's error ?

In any case , I should not have to .


From your posts I understood that you were hesitating to click a button for an update/download,

I had not realised that you were faced with authorising the charge.

Alan ,

I think that you are missing the point .

I cannot get updated without going through the full procedure , credit card and all .

Would you risk losing a quarter of a week's pay (pension) in order to correct CC's error ?

In any case , I should not have to .

Off course you can update without all that hassle.

I never press the button in ccleaner to update it. I always download it and install over the top.

However I agree you should not have to do it my way when you would like it to autoupdate, so I will mention this thread to Piriform.

Hi, please allow me to clarify the auto update feature of CCleaner. Automatic updated mechanism on Professional version of CCleaner checks the Piriform update server for updates after regular timed intervals of 72 hours (3 days).

For example:

- Monday 9am CCleaner is started and checks for an update, nothing is available as current version is the latest one.

- Monday 2pm a new CCleaner version is released.

- The automatic update process will not trigger an instant update as soon as a new version is out, it will run after 72hrs has elapsed from the last update check.

- In this example, the check will be done again the next time CCleaner is started after Thursday 9am (72hrs after the last check on Monday 9am).

This would explain the following.

like yesterday evening after I started this thread my update suddenly appeared .

Hope this helps :)

Well, fwiw, I just turned on the auto update in CCleaner pro.

Simply checked the box in Options > Settings > Automatically check for updates to CCleaner, then restarted CCleaner.

Restarted CCleaner and wallah, there was a little popup saying a new version was available.

I never let anything except Avast! AV update automatically, and the older version of CCleaner worked just fine, so had not updated it for a while.

I am in the USA.

How long ago did you purchase CCleaner, mikemgb?

I ask because I just don't know what happens to auto updates after the year is up.

Firstly , Hazelnut .

"Of course you can update -----" . If it was "of course" this thread would not have appeared . Do not presume to imply stupidity .

Secondly , Mr V .

Thanks for your helpful comment . I have to tell you that I received notice of the update more than three days before last night's actual installation . I in fact received it on 23 Jan .

Third , Login123 .

Interesting info , but it does not work like that here . I am emailed with the message that an update is available , which should signify that I am about to receive the update . I have to point out that when I bought the thing , one of the selling points was "we automatically update your system" ..etc. .

Furthermore , odds to what is being put forward here , I cannot update it myself without going through the payment procedure .

Finally I would suggest that the doubters should look at their notice of update and read it carefully . You will note that it promises automatic update . That is what it says on my copy , I just checked it again to make sure . Also , I might add , I have received two updates as advertised , i.e. my computer update came before the advice note .

I am grateful that some of you are trying to help and if Piriform were as helpful , this problem would not have arisen .

Sorry about the format of the above , I could not find a preview button . Silly me , eh ?

Ok about the format, as far as I am concerned.

Don't think anybody doubts that your computer is doing 'zaktly what you described.

The question is why?

I posted that to show that at least here in the USA on xp the update thing is working.

First thoughts I had were maybe subscription has run out or you somehow got a bogus copy (least likely).

How long ago did you say you purchased the Pro version?