cCleaner not deleting cookies in FF?

I use Firefox 19.0.2 as my dominant browser. I use cCleaner 4 free to clean cookies and history from Firefox except I save my bank cookies in cCleaner options. I decided to check to see what the cookies file looked like after Firefox cleaned out or deleted cookies in Firefox. I have never looked at the cookies file before. I opened cookies.sqlite in MS notepad to look. I saw lots of web sites listed in the file like CNET and sporting goods stores, etc. I ran cCleaner again the next day and the same sites are still in the file. I was under the assumption that all these sites would be removed from the cookies file by cCleaner except the bank site I saved. Perhaps I do not understand how Firefox cookies work and how cCleaner cleans them.

Is my cCleaner working correctly? Is there something I need to do in the cCleaner settings to fix this? I am sure I am not understanding how all this works. What do I need to know?

I use vista home premium.

Thank you for the help.

Please make sure you have checked off Adobe Flash Player under Multimedia in the Applications tab.

Yes. I have all things checked that I can safely checked off for cCleaner to clean. I also run FlashCookies Cleaner frequently to get the flash cookies cCleaner misses (according to what comes up in the FlashCookies Cleaner window).

please make sure Firefox is completely exited.

Open task manager

go to the processes tab

arrange by name

look for any and all Mozilla based products and kill the processes

Yes I agree, FF process keeps running at times when I close it. I use process lasso to monitor my processes often. I make sure FF process is terminated. I do not use other Mozilla products. I believe I have that suggestion covered. Thank you Nergal and Winapp2.ini for your suggestions.

Could the cookies be generated by a different application? Some programs use trident as their rendering engine and this will generate IE cookies

winapp2, he's seeing the cookies still listed in Firefox's own cookies database

I opened cookies.sqlite in MS notepad to look. I saw lots of web sites listed in the file like CNET and sporting goods stores, etc. I ran cCleaner again the next day and the same sites are still in the file

Sorry, must've overlooked that bit. I'm stumped. Would vacuuming the SQLite delete the cookies he wants to keep do you think? Or just purge orphaned cookie entries?

I do not know much about cookies. I just wanted to verify cookies were being removed except my bank cookies. I went to Mozilla or FF web site and typed in a question where does FF store cookies. It appears that question is asked many times there. The answer was cookies.sqlite file. I searched and found this file in the FF app data profile folder on my computer which to me would be the logical location. I did not find this file anywhere else in my user account on my vista box. I opened cookies.sqlite with MS Notepad. I then closed MS Notepad which closed cookies.sqlite. I then used cCleaner 4 free to clean cookies and history from Firefox. I then opened cookies.sqlite with MS Notepad and looked and saw references to numerous web sites I visited. I then opened cCleaner 4 free. Went to options > cookies. Under the “cookies to delete” that column was empty. That implies the unwanted cookies are now removed (until I use FF again). To me that looks like cCleaner 4 free does not clean cookies or I do not understand cookies completely.

I run everything I can in vista user account. I never run FF in vista admin account unless I am logged into vista admin account. I only log into admin to make changes I cannot make in user account. So it is rare I am in vista admin account.

When I read general definitions of “cookies” it implies multiple little files held in a folder by a browser. In FF it seems to be all in one text file. I am going to look for another solution to clean cookies & history or in other words tracking. Or maybe I need to research more about what cookies really are.

Thank you for trying to answer my questions.

I make sure FF process is terminated. I do not use other Mozilla products. I believe I have that suggestion covered. Thank you Nergal and Winapp2.ini for your suggestions.

The Windows "Task Manager" has a Processes TAB and this will show both Firefox.exe and also Plugin-Container.exe.

When you close the Firefox application then both those processes should also close,

but if they stay on you can right click and choose to "End Process",

and if that fails right click and choose to "End Process Tree",

Perhaps process lasso can achieve the same for you.

Yes, I have seen the Plugin-Container.exe at times. I have closed it with Process Lasso. I do not remember to look for it but I really believe it is closed when I run cCleaner. Sometimes FF process remains open after I close it and it is not showing in task bar. It shows up in Process Lasso and I use Process Lasso to close it.

cCleaner will alert me when firefox.exe remains running after I close all FF windows and asks to close it. I choose to close it. cCleaner will force it closed. I assume Plugin-Container.exe would be forced closed or cCleaner would ask to force it closed.

Thank you all for your kind help.