I have the most current version of Ccleaner but when I run the health check, I see it find 9872 trackers. When the cleaning is done, it says it has removed 8 trackers. Why is there such a big difference in the numbers?
I'm curious about what's going on with the alleged "tracker cleaner" myself. As I new user, I find this most concerning.
It is quite normal for "Trackers" and "Junk" to reappear straight after cleaning and is just how a computer works.
However, @Javajoe25the numbers you report seem odd and 9872 seems especially high - can you give us more details of your Windows version, the browser you are using, and your avtivirus.
For a fuller explanation of just why Trackers etc. come back after cleaning, and what you can do to stop some of it, see this:
Nukecad, Thanks for the info. I am using Windows 10 and Firefox as browser. I had a well known anti-virus but it was interfering so much with routine functions that I dumped it. I rely on Windows Defender now. I thought it odd too when I saw 9K or 8K trackers found by Ccleaner, and then after running the cleaner, it shows 9 or 8 trackers removed. Now I'm wondering if there actually was 9,000 trackers to start with. This has happened quite often, and always the same pattern: Heart-stopping number of trackers reported (8753, 9756, etc.), but then being results state: Ccleaner removed 8 or 9 trackers. Maybe the number being reported by Cc is exaggerated somehow. 8 or 9 trackers would seem more likely, but who knows? Thanks again for your help.
7 hours ago, Javajoe25 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Maybe the number being reported by Cc is exaggerated somehow </p> </div>
This is probably an accurate count. If you would like to go digging, you can validate this yourself by comparing your Health Check and Custom Clean scan results. For example, if I run a HealthCheck scan I can see:
I click to remind myself the types of files that appear under this category in HealthCheck:
If I run a Custom clean and compare the results they look pretty much the same:
... and if still skeptical, I can click through and of these rows to get the complete list of actual files to triple-confirm, eg:
Fair enough, it will depend on how much browsing you have been doing between cleans as to how many cookies, history, and temp files have built up.
If you are not running one or more adblockers the numbers are also going to be higher.
But I was wondering about the discrepancy reported between 'found' and 'cleaned'.
(Sounds a bit like the corrupt bin problem but that should show in 'Space' not 'Trackers').
Personally I don't see anything like that many, but I do thoroughly clear Firefoxs' various caches each time I close it.
I clean them regularly after every session with my own cleaner batch file, before I use CCleaner once a day or so.
@Javajoe25can I suggest that you try adding Malwarebytes Browser Guard to your Firefox, its Free. That will block many of the trackers as well as helping with general adblocking and browser security - you choice if you want to add it of course (I've been using it since it was in beta testing):
OK. Will try adding Malwarebytes and see if it makes any difference. Thanks again for the help.
Realized after last Ccleaner driver update, I no longer have touchpad functionality. I see others went through the same thing. Starting to feel Ccleaner might be a trouble maker. Now what am I going to do to restore touchpad?
Hi @Javajoe25First of all, we're very sorry to hear about how this has happened.
You should be able to resolve this by reverting the corresponding driver and/or by performing a System Restore in Windows, as described here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402564268429#1-revert-drivers-from-ccleaner-using-driver-updater-0-4
Additionally, our support team would like to investigate further; do they have permission to contact you via email, using the same address registered to your forums account?
Why I'm not renewing CCleaner come October; CCleaner does not clear trackers when I close Google Chrome, it executes the process but doesn't clear the trackers. Why pay for somethng that does't work and from all of the other problems this product has I wonder why they are still in business.
1 hour ago, elliott ness said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Why I'm<u><strong> not renewing CCleaner</strong></u> come October; <strong>CCleaner does not clear trackers when I close Google Chrome</strong>, it executes the process but doesn't clear the trackers. Why pay for somethng that does't work and from all of the other problems this product has I wonder why they are still in business. </p> </div>
it clears them fine for me, maybe you could expand upon what you mean, what trackers are remaining?
How are you discerning that they're not cleaned? Often times a program recreates the empty files after they are cleaned.
Is it skipping chrome or cleaning it and the trackers are still there.
Are you signed into google in the browser? It could be syncing them back, if you are.