CCleaner not cleaning on auto shutdown

I created a desktop shortcut for Windows XP SP3.

"C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN

Is CCleaner supposed to clean only or clean AND fix registry issues as well?

It currently does not fix registry issues on auto shutdown.

It isn't supposed to.

The registry cleaner should n e v e r be run automatically. Never. If you want to clean your Registry, check each key, if you know it is something that can be removed, remove it, else don't. But you shouldn't expect any performance boost from Registry cleaning. wink.gif

As far as regards my computers, CCleaner has never done any harm,

nevertheless, never trust registry cleaners and never let them run automatically

... check each key, if you know it is something that can be removed, remove it, else don't... wink.gif