CCleaner no longer finds Windows Log Files after upgrading

Since updating to CCleaner 5.72.7994, CCleaner never finds any Windows Log Files, despite having the option checked. It will rarely sometimes find Windows Log Files less than 200K.

Before I upgraded (I forgot what version I updated from, but it was several releases behind), CCleaner would always find at least several megabytes of Windows Log Files at least once or twice a week. It would sometimes even find several hundred megabytes of Windows Log Files.

Did something change with Windows Log File handling? I don't see anything in the changelogs.

I am on Windows 7 x64.

I suspect that is because Windows 7 is now 'End of Life' and so is no longer being supported by Microsoft.

They don't need to produce any logfiles because they don't need them anymore.

I appreciate your taking the time to reply, but, that logic doesn't follow. I only upgraded CCleaner a couple of weeks ago. I immediately noticed it's no longer detecting Windows Log Files after the upgrade. If what you are saying is true, then 1) Microsoft is somehow remotely controlling the ability of my local Windows installation to create log files, and 2) They have decided to make it stop creating log files on the exact same day that I upgraded CCleaner.

When some aspect or behavior of a system changes, and you want to know why, the first thing to ask is "what is different on the system since the behavior started happening?"

Can you find the logfiles using File Explorer? (If you can remember which ones they were)

Try searching for anything with a .log extension to see if it was created since you updated CC.

PS. Microsoft have been remotely controlling the generation/collection of logs for years, even for computers with a local account and no MS account. Partly to know just what patches you need on Patch Tuesdays, (which Win7 no longer gets), but mainly for general data collection about how people are using Windows.