Just ran CCleaner, then I ran EasyCleaner, how comes EasyCleaner found files left behind by CCleaner?
Its mainly the amount of.tmp files that I am concerned about.
This is the EasyCleaner log:
Just ran CCleaner, then I ran EasyCleaner, how comes EasyCleaner found files left behind by CCleaner?
Its mainly the amount of.tmp files that I am concerned about.
This is the EasyCleaner log:
ZoneAlarm temporary files. Can't be deleted when ZoneAlarm is running, EasyCleaner will pause for a long time and display they can't be deleted when ZoneAlarm is running, however CCleaner quickly ignores them without some lengthy delay:
C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ "ZLT00a68.TMP, ZLT01594.TMP, ZLT02105.TMP"
Add to CCleaner's custom folders cleaning option to clean this folder since it isn't being taken care of:
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent\
Perhaps a resident program such as SpywareGuard, since it creates similiarly named temp files which are always 16.0 KB (16,384 bytes), SpywareGuard always creates two of them. I've also seen other programs create similiarly named files however I don't remember what they are at the moment:
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\~DF1790.tmp