CCleaner misses programs


I've been trying CCleaner for some time and have been quite happy with it, but one thing--bug?-- does annoy me. I had to reinstall my Dell laptop, and found that this time CCleaner does not list Google Earth as an "Application". I uninstalled CCleaner and reinstalled it, to no avail. Should I un-and re-install Google Earth now?

Or: how do I make CCleaner become aware of Google Earth? Of course I could add the GE folder in the "Custom Files and folders" field, but I guess CCleaner would wipe out the whole content, not just the file that keeps what I entered in the "Research" field in Google Earth. Does anyone know which file in the GE directory CCleaner used to take into account when it did see GE?

Thanks a lot in advance for any tip and clue.


Short and simple:

This is the path used by CCleaner to detect the Google Earth install.

Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Google Earth Plus

This is the path i have found in my Windows Registry:

Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Google Earth Pro
This is the path used by CCleaner to detect the Google Earth install.

Thanks, but does that appear in winsys.ini or winapp.ini, please?

Do you think I should create a new paragraph about Google Earth in any of those two?

This is the path i have found in my Windows Registry:

Would you please explain what you call "my Windows Registry"?

Thanks again, thanks in advance!

AFAIK Google Earth is listed in winapp.ini, that currently isn't anymore editable,

since have been included in the executable CCleaner.exe some versions ago.

You can try to add this entry in winapp2.ini instead

[Google Earth]


Detect=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Google\Google Earth Pro




RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Google\Google Earth Pro\Search

NOTE What above worked for me, but is at your own risk, i'm not that skilled on the technical side <_<

First perform an analisys only, and check carefully in the log that what will be deleted suit your needs, before to perform the deletion.

The Windows Registry is... the Windows Registry. (Start > Run > Regedit) and have a look at the Google Earth entry under

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Earth Pro. But don't make any change if you are unsure about this!

Hope this helps :)

Thanks, Whiteshark.

I'll try it all soon...unless I decide to do it the usual, other way: uninstall CCleaner and whatever programs I want it to survey, then reinstall them all, ending with CCleaner. And all the while keep my fingers crossed for the manoeuvre to work!

I forgot to mention that the problem I am experiencing is with Vista.

I tried to copy the [GoogleEarth] section from the winapp.ini of the version I am using on another machine with XP SP3, but it seems you just can't transfer data from one system to another, even after adjusting the (ir-)relevent paths, as Vista's regedit doesn't seem to work quite like XP's.

So I am asking again: is there any way to make CCleaner aware of the presence of Google Earth on the system running with Vista?

Thanks again...

After changing my HD I reinstalled Vista and all and CCleaner 2.10.618, which claims to have "Improved Google Earth cleaning and detection" -- but it still won't see Google Earth on my system.

Did you install G-Earth in the default location? If not please post the location you installed it to and some one will be able to modify the winapp2 entry to reflect your differences.

Also you may need help on winapp2 (either obtaining or editing). you can find this at this thread and here in the beginner's guide

It also seems that users seem to be assuming you have either plus or pro version of G-Earth installed. Thereis also the Regular version of G-Earth. I have run the installer for g-earth and found that (while it does write the reg entries as plus) there are two locations that need to have cleaning looked at by app2 writers:

%appdata%\roaming contains the users location xml files

%appdata%\local contains the dbcache.dat and dbcache.dat.index files (as weel as icons, images, and models folders)

This is where the Vista version is differing when typing %appdata%\google\googleearth into the run box the roaming folder is opened thus Winapp2 and winapp are looking in the incorrect place for the dbcache files they need to look in the local folder (Note I do not know how to appropriately set this up for APP2 to do this but this is the info that a competent person needs)



Thanks, Nergal, I'll be back tomorrow with the info you request.

Thanks, Nergal, I'll be back tomorrow with the info you request.

Hi you wrote this while I was modifying my post so I'm posting so you get a modi email


Did you install G-Earth in the default location?

I guess so: C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth. I seem to remember the GE install doesn't offer any other location.

Now, CCleaner I installed in my own, chosen directory.

In fact, I did just the same with the two programs on the two machines, one with XP SP3 and the other one with Vista--the latter being where it's malfunctioning.

If not please post the location you installed it to and some one will be able to modify the winapp2 entry to reflect your differences.

Problem is, I can't find winapp.ini in the Vista system! Under XP, the CCleaner directory contains 18 files, whereas the same under Vista has only three: CCleaner.exe, lang1036.dll and uninst.exe. What did Vista do with the other files?

Also you may need help on winapp2 (either obtaining or editing). you can find this at this thread and here in the beginner's guide

I've been there before, but as I mentioned in this very thread, I feel the explanations are quite unclear, and besides they doesn't seem to apply to Vista. Or do they?

Thanks for reading, thanks for helping a bit further if you care.