CCleaner losing Outlook Express message body.

The below post is my original post from 3/25/06, and I thought I had it resolved. Initially after upgrading to 1.28.277 the problem seemed to be fixed, however it is not. After I clean and scan for issues then go to O.E. nothing is in the message body of any emails.

In every email, the only thing that is shown is in the lines; From, Date, To, Subject, Attachment.

The message body of every email is blank. In O.E. the saved email message body disappears but does come back upon the restart of my computer. I get this sinking feeling looking at all my O.E. emails with no messages, luckily so far they do return after reboot!

Could someone shed some light on this problem?

Thanks in advance.


There seems to be a bug in the works.

I "analize/clean the windows/applications", and then "scan for issues/fix selected issues". Then when I go to Outlook Express, nothing is in the message body of any emails, including; inbox, sent items, deleted items, etc, etc.

In every email, the only thing that is shown is in the lines; From, Date, To, Subject, Attachment.

The message body of every email is blank. This was very frustrating to lose all my messages.

However, I have found if I restart the computer all the messages come back. Can anyone help with this odd problem. I lose my O.E. messages everytime I do a scan, but if I restart they all come back.

Thanks for your time,


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Quick Edit rridgely Mar 25 2006, 02:33 PM Post #2

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Make sure outlook is closed while using ccleaner, thats my only guess. I havent ever had this problem on any machine I put ccleaner on.

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audionut22 Mar 25 2006, 02:42 PM Post #3


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I always close all other programs when doing any kind of virus scan, spyware scan, etc.

By the way I forgot to include my O.S. etc.

MS Win XP sp2

Using Administrator accout

Just recently installed CCleaner 1.26.218 on 3/19/06

Downloaded from

I have not tried running CCleaner in Safe mode, (what is the advantage?).

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Quick Edit krit86lr Mar 25 2006, 02:45 PM Post #4

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QUOTE(audionut22 @ Mar 25 2006, 02:42 PM)

I always close all other programs when doing any kind of virus scan, spyware scan, etc.

By the way I forgot to include my O.S. etc.

MS Win XP sp2

Using Administrator accout

Just recently installed CCleaner 1.26.218 on 3/19/06

Downloaded from

I have not tried running CCleaner in Safe mode, (what is the advantage?).

Welcome audionut22

See if downloading the current version helps. v1.28


DO NOT use the "Hotfix Uninstallers" option in CCleaner v1.27. It's broken.

CCleaner Beginner's Guide - Winapp2.ini: Personalize Your CCleaner - DAF Lite - DAF Med - DAF Full - Fix CCleaner Crashes

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krit86lr Mar 25 2006, 03:17 PM Post #5

MrG's FanGirl!

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Sorry I forgot to provide the link. It is here.

Let us know if you continue to experience any problems.


DO NOT use the "Hotfix Uninstallers" option in CCleaner v1.27. It's broken.

CCleaner Beginner's Guide - Winapp2.ini: Personalize Your CCleaner - DAF Lite - DAF Med - DAF Full - Fix CCleaner Crashes

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audionut22 Mar 25 2006, 03:20 PM Post #6


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I just downloaded the update 1.28.277, then cleaned windows/applications and scanned for issues. I then opened O.E. and all my messages were intact, they did not disappear. Therefore I did not have to restart my computer to get my messages back.

Having just downloaded CCleaner for the first time on3/19/06, I hope this upgrade fixed the problem.

I initially did a search for problems with O.E. with CCleaner and found no previous posts. Has this been a problem for anyone else?

Thanks for your time!

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Quick Edit krit86lr Mar 25 2006, 03:38 PM Post #7

MrG's FanGirl!

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A few people had that OE problem. Except I don't think that the messeges were reappearing after rebooting. If I remember correctly, that problem cropped up with v1.26. I'm not positive about that though.

Overall, it isn't a common problem. I'm glad that it's working for you!


DO NOT use the "Hotfix Uninstallers" option in CCleaner v1.27. It's broken.

Gosh dude, I don't know. Maybe this is a question for DjLizard. The only thing that I can think to check is where is your default mail directory?

Not me! I don't know the answer :P

Although there are several MSOE related DLL registrations in DAF, CCleaner would not have normally changed any of their registrations. You're welcome to try DAF light though, just in case.


Checkmark everything in box #5 and hit GO.

Could you answer to a layman, (me), what related MSOE are with related DLL registrations in DAF, and what the advantage of using DAF light would be? In addition, if I do just a clean files and not the registry cleaner would I be less likely to encounter missing O.E. messages?

Thanks for your time,

S. (audionut22)

Not me! I don't know the answer

Although there are several MSOE related DLL registrations in DAF, CCleaner would not have normally changed any of their registrations. You're welcome to try DAF light though, just in case.


Checkmark everything in box #5 and hit GO.

Well, if you really want to know, ;) CCleaner's "Issues" scan targets invalid "InProcServer" (and more) entries in the registry... removing these entries is akin to unregistering the objects that the entries belonged to. Therefore, if CCleaner erroneously removed entries or the entries were damaged in the registry, the objects are considered not registered. Dial-a-fix will solve this by re-registering many, many DLLs. This puts things back to Windows installation defaults.

Here's just a few files that are registerable via Dial-a-fix that have relation to MSOE (this is a dependency log of Outlook Express 6 from my own system, truncated to list only those objects that are covered in Dial-a-fix) :



























Here's a couple more that aren't directly dependencies (but belong to MSOE and are covered by Dial-a-fix) :

msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll

Because of this thread, I just learned a bunch of new DLLs I can add to Dial-a-fix that are dependencies of MSOE (among other programs). The following currently are NOT covered by Dial-a-fix but DO need to be registered: RPCRT4.DLL, ACTIVEDS.DLL, OLEACC.DLL, CREDUI.DLL, CRYPTUI.DLL, MSSIGN32.DLL, CERTCLI.DLL, SCECLI.DLL, USERENV.DLL, MSI.DLL, SHSVCS.DLL, OLEPRO32.DLL, QUERY.DLL

They will be added to the next version of DAF :)

(If you wish to register these DLLs in an attempt to fix your issue, click Start > Run > and type: regsvr32 filename.dll with each of the above files). For USERENV.DLL and SHSVCS.DLL, also do regsvr32 /i filename.dll