The license I bought in October doesn't work, I can enter it and ccleaner says it's registered but every time I restart it says the key is invalid and it reverts to free mode. Requesting my licenses only shows my past expired licenses and not the license purchased in October under the same email address. Additionally the format of the new license key is different from the old - the new one is XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX and the old format is XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. In the expired license dialog the prompt for a new license accepts only licenses in the old form. This is very frustrating. I'd contacted support a couple weeks ago about the constant nagging as well regarding license keys being expired, support could see the new key but it doesn't show up if I request my license keys via the web and doesn't work in the actual application.
Worse, the CCleaner EULA warranty language extends only to 30 days from the date the license is issued, regardless of whether due to their own bug the software license provided doesn't work. Shame.
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The license I bought in October doesn't work
These new licence key formats do need a recent version of CCleaner to run. Can I check which version number you are currently on? If not the latest (5.75) can I suggest installing the latest version (downloadable directly from and then registering it under Options > About License Information to see if that helps?
If you are already having this problem with the latest version of CCleaner, you can contact to ask them to swap out your licence key.
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These new licence key formats do need a recent version of CCleaner to run. Can I check which version number you are currently on? If not the latest (5.75) can I suggest installing the latest version (downloadable directly from <a href="" rel="external"></a>) and then registering it under Options > About License Information to see if that helps?
If you are already having this problem with the latest version of CCleaner, you can contact to ask them to swap out your licence key.
I am running v5.75.8238
Registering under Options > About > [Register] is free form and only works temporarily until I restart CCleaner at which point upon launching it either quietly reverts to UNREGISTERED or pops up a notice that 'The registration information you entered is invalid. Please re-enter your details' with a dialog that accepts only license keys in the old XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX format. It looks like this (the dialog is pre-populated with an old key in it that happens to be the old expired key from last year, which I've replaced with XXXXs - registering the new key via About does not influence the fact that it always comes up and says the key is invalid and replaces it with the old key in the old format).
.. I don't have any confidence in support handling this, they never fixed the problem that I can't retrieve the key when I contacted them the last time, and don't seem to be responding at all today. Payment went through Cleverbridge AG and their T&Cs contain remedies for defects that may oblige them to fix this or provide a prorated refund, since that's a contract between me and Cleverbridge AG as opposed to the EULA which is between me and CCleaner.
On a whim, because I haven't heard back from support, I tried running CCleaner as admin and the new license seems to have stuck. There had been no error message before about not being able to save the registration info. So it looks like there are at least three straight up bugs:
1) failure to save updated license/registration data does not produce an error message within the application
2) dialog prompting for a new key is hard coded to the old style key and won't accept new style keys
3) the ccleaner license key database doesn't have or provide all the licenses that have been provided through cleverbridge i.e. either the database itself is missing data from valid purchases or the query that drives the results for has a bug
and possibly
4) ccleaner registrations get invalidated when windows 10 software updates get installed (it had been working until I updated)