CCleaner Leaving Tracking Files On Computer

After I run CCleaner (v. 5.43.6522), there are still tracking files on my computer, and the browser is closed. I ran it several times - it keeps removing several tracking files, and II have not been back on the internet.

Older versions did not do this - what is happening, please?

What are the exact files? Which browser?

We discussed this recently, What CCleaner is reporting as "tracking files" is not what you or I would generally regard as tracking files.

In fact I did some checking and CCleaner is reporting every file it clears as a "tracking file".

It's just a semantics issue, or more likely advertising speak. (To make you think you are being tracked all the time so will go and buy Avast?).

The files that keep comming back between cleans are simply temporary files that get recreated as soon as you have cleaned them.

Windows itself, and other apps, needs these temporary files so if/when you delete them they just recreate them.