CCleaner killing my folder views

I have the latest version of Ccleaner installed- I upgraded to 2.34 and the problem started, then I updated with a clean install to 2.35 and the problem continues. It keeps resetting "My Pictures" to details instead of thumbnails. I tried searching the forum and did not come up with the right phrase to find an active topic. Can anyone advise please?


This is what I have checked to clean:


Hi galapogosian, and welcome to the forum.

I'm not getting that with the latest (or previous) versions of CCleaner on XP, although that's not to say CCleaner isn't doing something different on your computer.

Have you checked to make sure your default folder settings haven't been changed for whatever reason.

"Explorer Window\Tools\Folder Options\View\Scroll down to Remember each folders view settings".

Another thought relates to the entry in the old CCleaner beginners guide ...

Window Size/Location Cache

Windows Explorer stores the view formatting and ordering settings for each folder on your system. After some time, this can contain a large amount of redundant data and may even slow down browsing for files on your system. Selecting this option will clear this data and reset the Windows Explorer display settings to their default option.

If you've never ran that option it might be beneficial to run it and then change the re-set default settings to your own, and see if they will now stick.

I've just ran that myself for the first time, but it will probably take a reboot for any changes to take effect.

Hope that helps.

I don't have that problem on my machine either, & I have the latest 2.36 version.