CCleaner Keeps Deleting My System Restore Point

Whenever I run CCleaner it deletes all my Windows system restore points.

What do I need to do to CCleaner to get it to stop doing that?

Thank You.

Can you give the version of ccleaner used, and also which operating system you use.

CCleaner is not set up to touch restore points.

Can you give the version of ccleaner used, and also which operating system you use.

CCleaner is not set up to touch restore points.

CCleaner version 2.15.815 running Windows XP SP3.

CCleaner does not delete restore points, even the developer has went on record and stated it doesn't touch them. If you're running low on disk space that can be a cause, or some other issue.

CCleaner does not delete restore points, even the developer has went on record and stated it doesn't touch them. If you're running low on disk space that can be a cause, or some other issue.

CCleaner does indeed delete restore points. It does it all the time. I have a 700 gb hard drive with over 600 gigs free. Not even close to low disk space.

It deletes them when I run the registry integrity option.

CCleaner has never touched any restore point on the 3 XP systems I have even when running the registry cleaner.

What other applications do you have on your system?

I'm running the same Win XP SP3 and CCleaner Version 2.15.815 and it is deleting my system restore points as well. I am fine on memory the same as the OP.

CCleaner has never touched any restore point on the 3 XP systems I have even when running the registry cleaner.

What other applications do you have on your system?

I have Avast anitivirus and Zonealarm firewall but I ONLY lose the restore points when running CCleaner and now I see by another post that I'm not the only one that this happens to.

Free disk space is not really the issue, it's how much space is free in the allocated system restore amount, but as the default is 12% of drive space, and NTDS compresses sys restore data, it's unlikely to be an issue either, but is worth checking.

Restore points are supposed to be kept for 90 days (surprisingly I only have 16 days saved with 2 gb of restore space - do they take up that much space?). Are all restore points being deleted or just a selection?

Sys restore points are deleted if you run out of disk space on the system drive or on any one of the available non-system drives, which means that if you have a multiple-partition computer with a drive that has almost no free space, this drive may cause System Restore to stop responding all across the system and to delete restore points. There are other reasons, running disk cleanup with the right (or wrong) settings, and general space issues which haven't been reported here.

If CC reg cleaner removes restore points, which option in reg cleaner does this, or seems to do this?

Free disk space is not really the issue, it's how much space is free in the allocated system restore amount, but as the default is 12% of drive space, and NTDS compresses sys restore data, it's unlikely to be an issue either, but is worth checking.

Restore points are supposed to be kept for 90 days (surprisingly I only have 16 days saved with 2 gb of restore space - do they take up that much space?). Are all restore points being deleted or just a selection?

Sys restore points are deleted if you run out of disk space on the system drive or on any one of the available non-system drives, which means that if you have a multiple-partition computer with a drive that has almost no free space, this drive may cause System Restore to stop responding all across the system and to delete restore points. There are other reasons, running disk cleanup with the right (or wrong) settings, and general space issues which haven't been reported here.

If CC reg cleaner removes restore points, which option in reg cleaner does this, or seems to do this?

I have 2 350 gb hard drives in my computer. Over 33 gigs is being allocated for system restore. Disk space is not the issue here at all.

It deletes all points except the last one made. It only saves one and I have no idea what option does this that's why I'm here asking for help. It doesn't "seem" to do "does" do this and reading this post you can see it's not only happening to me.

I'm not disputing anything anyone says, info is the intention, not assumptions. We didn't know how many disks you had, their size, what amount is allocated to sys restore, or what was being deleted.

Do you run disk cleanup? If so, do you have the remove sys restore points option selected?

When you run the CC reg cleanup, what options do you have ticked? Do you clean the registry frequently, and do you like to keep a clean registry by fixing all issues?

I would first check the value in the sys restore point life registry entry, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore\RPLifeInterval, is set to decimal 7776000. (Keep sys rest points 90 days.)

The next step would be to

1) Check that there is more than one sys restore point available

2) If not, create a sys restore point, redo step 1

3) Run CC reg analysis

4) Save the issues list to a text file

5) Run CC reg fix issues

6) Check how many restore points are available

7) Post here with possibly the text file from step 4

This assumes that there are some issues in CC reg to clean.

I have never checked whether CC removes my sys restore points or not, but I can't see any option in it that would do such a thing. I would think that it would be quite difficult, seeing how XP protects the sys restore files.

Also Post the "4) Save the issues list to a text file" Here so we can see what it is that is being cleaned

That said (other than in this case maybe) Read my Signature

I found something interesting.

Convert Days to Seconds

1 Day = 86400 Seconds

I figure if I have not had a problem for 7 days then I don't need to store older restore points.

7 Days = 604800 Seconds

Note: that is decimal

If you are using a free space cleaner of any kind this can cause system restore points to be deleted in certain circumstances.

Hi Cholio,

I am sorry to hear that you are probably having problems with CCleaner.

We are investigating this issue and haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

Would you be able to follow what Augeas suggested on Post #11? Just would like to suggest that on item number 3 you select one type of Registry Integrity (check only one) at a time so we can narrow down the options.

Please let us know your findings so we can have more details about the problem you are experiencing.

Thank you

Hi Cholio,

I am sorry to hear that you are probably having problems with CCleaner.

We are investigating this issue and haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

Would you be able to follow what Augeas suggested on Post #11? Just would like to suggest that on item number 3 you select one type of Registry Integrity (check only one) at a time so we can narrow down the options.

Please let us know your findings so we can have more details about the problem you are experiencing.

Thank you

I ran the test that you asked for and hopefully my results will help you find the problem.

Before I started I had 6 Restore Points. I ran the registry analysis selecting only one type at a time. There were no issues found for any of these options. Then I ran just the Cleaner. It found about 58 MB to remove which I did. I went to System Restore and all my restore points were gone and I received an error message that stated that System Restore was being suspended because there was not enough disk space and would I like to run disk cleanup. (I know I am fine on memory.) So I decided to run a new test. I setup another restore point. (There was now two restore points listed.) I ran the registry analysis again with all options selected and, once again, there were no issues found. I rechecked the system restore at this point and the two restore points were still listed. I re-ran the Cleaner, this time it listed only 0.18 MB to be removed. Now my two restore points have been deleted again.

Hope this helps you to find the problem.



First of all, thank you very much for your help.

From what I understood, every time you run the Cleaning process in the Cleaner screen you get your restore points deleted.

You will have to tell us what items you have checked in the Cleaner screen.

Can you also do another favor?

1 - Create restore points (1 or 2 and make sure they are ok)

2 - Run the Cleaner screen cleaning process

3 - Right click the Text panel and save the log to a file

4 - then you can post here or email me directly.

There is another way to get to the root of the problem... You can check one item at a time in the Cleaner screen and run the cleaning process until you get the restore points deleted and then you know which item caused it. Please let us know then.



First of all, thank you very much for your help.

From what I understood, every time you run the Cleaning process in the Cleaner screen you get your restore points deleted.

You will have to tell us what items you have checked in the Cleaner screen.

Can you also do another favor?

1 - Create restore points (1 or 2 and make sure they are ok)

2 - Run the Cleaner screen cleaning process

3 - Right click the Text panel and save the log to a file

4 - then you can post here or email me directly.

There is another way to get to the root of the problem... You can check one item at a time in the Cleaner screen and run the cleaning process until you get the restore points deleted and then you know which item caused it. Please let us know then.


I've pinpointed it to System/Empty Recycle Bin. The analysis found nothing to be removed but I ran it anyway and it deleted my restore points. I ran it a second time to verify and then also received the "suspended because of not enough disk space" error message.

Hope this helps.

Some info here..

It appears that this is a rare but not unknown problem, with a rare and (so far) unknown solution. Possible other software interference?

The "suspended because of not enough disk space" error message is a little worrying. Are you sure you have enough space in sys restore? Each restore point will take around 50 mb and I use 1 gb to hold 20 points. I'm not sure whether Windows will delete all restore points except the latest if it hits space problems, I think yes. This does not fit with the latest test though, when you had only two points to play with.

You could try (swiped from M/S webpage)

1. Click Start, click Run, type eventvwr.msc /s in the Open box, and then press Enter.

2. Click the System category.

3. Click the Source tab to sort by name, and then look for "sr" or "srservice." Double-click each of these services, and then evaluate the event description for any indication of the cause of the problem.

Let us know what you find.