CCleaner just deleted everything

I uninstalled a few programs and used the "Fix Selected Problems" thing in the "Registry Integrity" tab, a few times. Throw in a smattering of restarts in between and you've got everything I did with CCleaner between installing it, and noticing it had deleted everything from the "Cleaner" tab.

So everything on both the lists in "Cleaner" were wiped without me ever touching them. 280 days of Browsing history, download history, saved form history, in a good few browsers was wiped without any interaction between me, the user, and the program. Great program guys!

I've unchecked every box in case it goes on a murderous spree again but I dunno. If it does it again I guess it'll have to be uninstalled.


Might want to warn people it has a penchant for random erasure of everything you hold dear. To you paranoid tin-foil hatters saved-form data, browsing history and download history may be a liability in your quest to evade the GovernMENTzzz, but to me it was handy.

*Que the CCleaner fanboys who think everything's the end-user's fault and CCleaner could never do something as ridiculous as this...*

Hopefully something good will come out of CCleaners deletion sprees. Might erase third-world debt, world hunger and the ebola virus next time. Pity it had to erase completely innocuous useful data this time round. Oh Welll....

Hello StupidPieceOfBleep,

You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable PC user and I can understand your frustration.

I suggest that you make at least one more options change.

In Options > Settings I would immediately turn off the option Run CCleaner when the computer starts.

By having this option on, every time you reboot the Cleaner function will automatically run using the last settings that were set at the close of the previous run of CCleaner.

Bookmark this link to the Guide.

Good Luck,

:) davey

Hello StupidPieceOfBleep,

You seem to be a pretty knowledgeable PC user and I can understand your frustration.

I suggest that you make at least one more options change.

In Options > Settings I would immediately turn off the option Run CCleaner when the computer starts.

By having this option on, every time you reboot the Cleaner function will automatically run using the last settings that were set at the close of the previous run of CCleaner.

Bookmark this link to the Guide.

Good Luck,

:) davey

Hmmm. Ok, thanks. I'm printing as I type.

Is there a place I can find a comprehensive list of all the CCleaner Vista issues that are not fixed as of version 2.05.555?